Poppy Hill Date (Julie X Fem!reader)

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Julie x fem!reader (could be also interpreted as gen! or even masc!reader :) )


Requested/gift for a friend!

"YaaaAAAwwn~!" I stretch my limbs as the sun caresses me. I rush to the bathroom to wash my face.

Now that my vision was clear, and that I have changed out of my pajamas, I go on with my day.

I decided to eat my breakfast outside in the poppy hill nearby. I made waffles and juice!

I planned on meeting up there with someone too!

I picked up my basket and put picnic things inside before heading out.

The neighbourhood was pretty quiet and chill, and the weather was amazing! Sunny with a mild breeze, perfect for a little picnic~!

"Why hello there, Neighbour!" A familiar, deep sweet voice greets me as I closed my front door, I turned my head around and returned the bright smile.

Walking over with the basket in one hand, I wave with the other.

"Eddie! How are you? Got any mail for me today?"

"I'm doing great! And—nope, no mail today."

"Bummer..." I sigh. "Well, let me not hold you up, see you around?"

"Yes! Toodles!"

We part ways, and I make my way towards the poppy hill.

I wasn't expecting a letter... was I? I'm not sure.

I inhale the fresh air and sit down between the flowers after setting a blanket, two pillows and the basket down.

I set down everything that was inside. Quickly getting bored, I start fidgeting in my spot. I look around me and a thought pops up in my head "Oh no did they forget?!"

Worry washes over me, but then—!

"Ah! {Name}!" a high pitched voice called out, panting, seeming to have ran all the way here.

"Julie! I was just thinking you weren't coming!" a sigh of relief escapes me and I finally feel like I could relax properly now.

"What!? No way! I wouldn't trade hanging out with you for the world! And a picnic? Just can't miss it!" Julie laughs lightly, sitting in front of me, with a basket of her own that she held up to eye level and gave it a light shake to bring my attention to it. "I woke up a tad bit later than I planned so making these took some time! I'm sorry to have made you wait, {Name}!" She pouted, earning a chuckle from my part, her 'frown' turns upright at my reaction.

"So? What's in the mystery basket then?" I leaned in, interested to know. Julie nods and proceeds to reveal what was inside; A cutely shaped cut fruit that looked kind of sloppy, and some pound cake cookies with uneven glaze and a whole lot of sprinkles on top of them.

I lick my lips and hum "Those look tasty! And I made waffles and juice!" I point out the food that I covered while waiting. She licks her lips "Same thing goes for what you made!"

"Let's dig in!" I chuckle, pouring juice for the two of us, exchanging laughs and catching up on what we've been doing in our free time. I love Julie so much, I hope she knows that if it wasn't already just so obvious...

We have had the best chitchat, the food she made tasted good, as always, she does have to work her presentation, but who cares! Food's food, if it's tasty (and that box is ticked) that's what matters to me!

I let myself flop down on a pillow, sighing in satisfaction. Julie stands up and looms over me, her big signature smile on her pretty face. "How about we pick some flowers? The poppies are really pretty!" I perked up at the idea. "Yeah-heh!" I shot up, waving my hands over my head.

We held hands and walked a little further in the poppy hill, chuckling and giggling like children. We sat down on a spot stacked with poppies and began picking some until we were a distance apart, occasionally exchanging jokes and fun facts. I decided on making a flower crown for Julie! I started braiding the plants that I had collected, just a few seconds in, Julie sits down a little further away from me, with just her hairdo and orange-yellow horns poking out of all the long grass and poppies.

The both of us go silent, with some glances and giggles breaking the silence. I finished my mini gift, my heart swelled with pride for a moment looking at it. "Why are you laughing?!" I called out, chuckling myself.

"You can tell me too!" She spoke up.

I brought the colourful crown up, grinning "For you!". She stared blankly for a second before bursting into laughter. "What?!" I ask.

Julie simply pulls up a poppy crown of hers and tries to speak through her sweet contagious laugh "F-For yo-you! Aha!"

Now I get the same reaction; process, then realization.

We both exchange our DIY gifts and wear them, laughing wholeheartedly. Julie sits on the ground next to me. We try to catch our breath after that laughing fit, hold hands and go back to our blanket spot, chitchatting on our little walk.

Still hand in hand, we lay down and watch the clouds.

"That one looks like Sally!" I point a funny looking cloud. Julie snickers and points to another cloud "That one looks like home!" I gasp and chuckle. We continue our little game for a while...

... I always have fun when I'm with Julie, she's the absolute best!

A/N: This could be interpreted two ways! Either as Romantic like a date, or just a hangout of two friends <3

Sorry for this being short though :(

Hope You enjoyed, feedback & requests are so appreciated!! ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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