Part 1

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"Okay everyone we have a new member joining us today . I want you all to make him feel welcome" The counselor smile happily to group of three people who were sitting on chairs forming a small circle.

They looked up at the new comer with not so interested look and got back on their own daze and broken thoughts.

Damon entered the room and saw the gloomy atmosphere. He sighed. They are like him. He saw a girl sitting on chair fidgeting playing with her fingers. Her long brunet hairs were tied back in a loose pony. Her face was pure white beautiful. The sadness in her eyes were deep. It wanted to tell a story. It wanted to come out and just burst the emotions that is building inside her. She was very thin and pale. Her eyes had huge dark circles.

The other two were not any better. They all three carry same sorrow, same sadness as him. The all had a story to tell. They all are broken and rejected but Damon eyes caught the brunette. Even though all the sadness she still looked beautiful among the group. He scoffed at his thoughts and sat on an empty chair that was right next to the brunette.

The counselor smiled happily but no one returned her smile or payed any attention to the counselor but that didn't discouraged her at all.

"Why don't you introduce yourself". The counselor happily said to Damon.

Damon rolled his eyes " My name is Damon .I was rejected by Alpha of our pack".

They all looked up to him and then went back to what they were doing. The brunette eyes stayed on him for extra seconds and then went back on playing with her fingers.

"Okay now you all introduce yourself to Damon" Lauren told them.

They all stayed quite. Lauren did introduction. The brunette was Rosalie. The black girl was Olivia and the other boy was Timmy.

The group of small people sitting here are all rejected by their mates. They are here for mental therapy, consulting so they won't go in deep depression and cause any harm to themselves. Their family send them here so they could move on from the rejected phase and find their will to live once again but it's not that easy .

Every wolf dream is to find their mate and when they get rejected, their life shattered. They find life meaningless. Their soul and wolf both break down. First they go through tremendous pain of rejection after surviving that they go in depression. Their mental health is in risk.

The werewolf therapy session is for rejected mates. To encourage them to move on. To find them a new will ,a new reason to live or it won't be long that the weakest mind will go insane and turned into a rouge or they become sucidal.

These therapy is the last straw for their survival to give them chance of new live, new beginning.

The counselor Lauren tried them to participate in her activities and encouraging them to share their stories. Their feelings but no one was cooperative. They all were in daze, in their own thoughts and no one speak a word. When it was time to leave they would pick things and leave.

A week pass by like that and there was no changes. Their behavior was usual. Even Lauren was now worried. She didn't want these broken souls to drift in darkness. She wants them to have a new chance in life.

"So is today anyone want to share how they feel or anything that's in their mind" Lauren encouraged.

No one said anything like usual. There was a pin drop silence for a good two minutes.

"Anyone" She tried again.

" I hate people". Damon finally said.

Lauren quickly perked up " Why is that so" she encourage him to speak more. If you don't speak everything will bottle up inside you.

Damon sighed and looked at the ceiling then looked in the eyes of Lauren . The others were in their usual state but their ears perked up after hearing a new voice in the conversation which is normally done by Lauren alone. She usually talks by her self and answer her own question. It is always one way of conversation. Today a new voice emerged.

"Like I know I'm rejected. What's the big deal in this. My mate rejected me because I'm a man. Fine it's understandable. Everyone around me tried to tell me all the time it's not his fault he rejected me because apparently I'm a dude. Well isn't it an obvious fact. Then those people tell me the Alpha only like female . He has preference. They showed me pity that I was born as male . For fuck sakes did someone ever asked my preference. I like tits and booty too. I have preference too. Just because my mate was a man doesn't make me automatically gay. No offense to any gay people but hey if I had choice I would also chose a woman as my mate." Damon sighed.

" To be honest I don't have any problem or any complained from my ex mate. Yes rejection hurts. It hurts like bitch but I'm not fucking sucidal. People started treating me like a glass that can be broken easily. My wolf lost his soulmate. My condolences with him but I'm me. I'm still here. They think I will go mental without my mate. I tried reasoning but every word that comes from mouth they treated it like a words of broken instrument. For the love of god let me live my life. I'm tired of telling people I'm okay. I don't have any problem. My family thinks I have. My friends thinks I have problems. My pack thinks I have problems. I just want to live peaceful and move on. They send me here thinking I will go rouge. All I need is some space thats it" Damon huffed.

"So you have no problem after getting rejected by your mate" Lauren carefully asked.

"Why would I have. It's his choice. I don't like dudes either so if he rejected me because I'm a man that's okay. I would have rejected him too if I was that powerful as him......... On second thought no actually rejection is not an answer. Well that's not my point. My point is that happened which shouldn't have happened to anyone but it did. So now I don't want to fret over it all my life. I just want to carry on living. Rejection doesn't mean life is ending. I have problem from people for thinking I'm weak and can't handle my emotions ". Damon told Lauren.

The others carefully listened.

"You are right Damon rejection doesn't mean end of world. You just had to stay away from the toxic people who are not letting you move own. For that I would suggest you to find new people to hang out with. " She happily said.

Damon nodded his head " See that's what I'm trying to do by coming to these sessions just to escape from those pity eyes and all that shit".

"How about we all hang out together. A day out just us five. No pity eyes. No one to judge us. Just us enjoy a full day and see how it goes. Right now only you all understand eachother better then others. It will be fun and new step to make new friends " Lauren suggested.

They all thought for a while and then agreed.

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