Part 4

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Rosalie took a long relaxing bath. She sighed in content. She was thinking about someone and giggled. She put her head on her kness. Water dripping from her wet hairs. She was in deep thoughts.

The water of bathtub turned cold,so she quickly got out. She was still in daze. She dried her self and wore a bath robe.

She stepped out of bathroon and went to her closet. She was looking for something good to wear. After 10 minutes of looking around she picked a peach short sundress . She layed that on her bed. She went infront of mirror and dried her hairs. Then she did a skin care . After that she brushed her hairs neatly and let her hair loose. She did minimal makeup and applied some gloss on her lips. She applied eyeliner, making her eyes look more sharp and attractive.

Once she was satisfied with her look. She changed into her dress. She sprayed her favorite fragrance and looked in the mirror. She was satisfied with her look. She turned around again and again. To see herself that if anything is still missing.

She stopped after a while and cringed. She flopped on her bed and hit the pillow few times. What's up with her. Why is she is getting dress for someone else but she really wanted to see how he will act when she come infront of him dressed beautifully. She wanted to hear what he will say to her.

Rosalie squeezed her pillow and screamed in the  pillow. After that she let it go. What's wrong with her. She saw the time and quickly stood up . She is going to be late. Rosalie rushed out of the door but quickly came back once again to look herself in the mirror.

She fixed her hairs once again and quickly re applied the lip gloss. She picked her small purse and went out of the room.

She quickly walked down the stairs and was rushing out of the door .

"Rosalie you haven't had breakfast yet". Her mother called after her rushing back.

She turned to her mother startling her a bit " I'm getting late for my session" She signed.

Her mother looked at the clock on the wall and then turned to her " You are two hours early". Her mother raised an eyebrow. Rosalie bit her lip.

"You look really beautiful today. Is there something that I should know" Her mother gently smiled.

Rosalie blushed and quickly shook her head .

"Come have breakfast with your father and brother" Her mother laughed.

"But I'm going to be late for my therapy session" Rosalie quickly signed.

"No you won't be late. What are you going to do , sitting there alone when everyone will show up after two hours " Her mother dragged her in dining room.

She huffed and sat down.

"You look beautiful today are you going out somewhere" Her brother gently asked. Rosalie father was also interested. It's been a while since he had seen her daughter dress up and looking happy.

She quickly shook her head and filled her plate with food. She busy her self so they won't ask her any questions.

"She is just going to therapy session" Her mother lightly said.

The table turned quite. The father and son knows how much Rosalie hate going there but what shock them was Rosalie didn't mind going there today and she put extra effort to dress up too.

"Maybe there is someone, who Rosalie really wanted to see. That's why she got up so early to look beautiful for them" Her mother said .

Rosalie choked on bread and coughed . Her mother quickly passed her glass of water and gently pat her back. Once she stopped coughing she glared at her mother. The father and son duo was not happy hearing that but seeing her bright side once again they didn't comment to discourage her. She has right to live her life happily.

"Why would I dress up for that no brain idiot. I'm dressing up for myself. I need a change. Now I'm getting late if you excuse me. I have to leave" she signed and and quickly stood up and walked towards the front door with her head held high, holding her purse .

"Your gloss is messed up again" Her mother called after her back.

Rosalie turned around and rushed to her room instead of front door to fix her glossa again . Her mother laughed.

Rosalie was getting back at how she usually was and she really need to thank that person who brought her cheerful daughter once again.

Rosalie quickly rushed down this time really going out. She reached the session before everyone.

Soon Lauren and Olivia showed up. They tease her a bit . The three of them talked but Rosalie eyes stayed on the door. Soon Timmy came and greeted everyone.

"Why is that no brain idiot here yet" Rosalie wondered.

Soon the idiot showed up.

"Sorry I'm late I had to run some errands whoahhhhhh" Damon rushed in and his eyes landed on Rosalie.

He put a hand on his heart.

"Why is this thing beating so fast" Damon said looking at Rosalie in daze .

Rosalie blushed and quickly turned away. She acted like she didn't care what he is saying or what he is doing but she kept a sneaky glance on his reaction and she was very satisfied with his response.

He stood there for a while and looking at her in daze. Lauren told him not stupidly stand there but sit. He sat next to Rosalie and scooted his chair closer to hers. Rosalie acted like she didn't saw it. He kept looking at her with mouth slightly open and kept whispering beautiful.

His dumb and daze look made Rosalie heart raced and slowly she also looked at his eyes. They both looked in eachother eyes completely lost. The others around them gave them some space and smiled.

Lauren snaped her fingers and quickly they both returned to real world.



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