Chapter 1: Dove [backstory]

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You might be wondering, how did someone like you become a villain?
Well it's simple really, with enough stuff going wrong in your life, it tends to take you down the wrong path, a path of disaster, a path of misery, a path of evil.

I was born on April 20, im currently 16 years old. When i turned 4 I had a doctors appointment to find out what my quirk was....

(4 year old Retsu Hato POV)

"Mom, dad!! C'mon hurry up, we're gonna be late for my appointment!" Young Hato spoke as he jumped around their apartment.
"Alright kiddo, we're coming!" The dad smiled widely, while the mother just grunted and nodded. She didn't seem excited, why? Was she not happy her beloved child was getting his quirk? It didn't come much into thought that day. Oh how right I was.

(At the doctors)

During the doctors appointment, they did mini tests and x-rays to determin my quirk, it all went smoothly and only lasted around 5-7 minutes. Mom and dad were waiting in the doctors room whilst they took me back around the examination room. I was so excited, didn't stop hopping around as i knew my quirk would be as great!

But then something went wrong...

The doctor was taking a blood test out of my arm for the final examination, i was sat in a comfty chair smiling, kicking my legs, waiting for the final results. That was until the door slammed open, there she was, my mom, covered in blood. Was she hurt? What happened? "M-mommy...?" I spoke, my voice shattering at each syllabal. She just stook there. Staring. The doctors were frozen in place. What was happening? Suddenly, wings sprouted from my moms back, silver and metallic, shiny, sharp, and bloody. The alarms were ringing all around the hospital, speakers screaming to evacuate. Only then i knew, the person infront was not who i called mother. She was no mother of mine.

I took the needle out of my arm and ran to the back door, watching as metallic feathers pierced the doctors right in the head. I heard her laugh. Laugh? No, cackle... it sounded evil. I started crying, my knees were trembling, i was waiting. What for? A hero right? Thats what i thought too, but i had no time to wait. I had to run, but i was frozen. NO! I couldnt be frozen, i cant wait for her to catch up to me. She was banging on the door i baricaded shut with some chairs.

"Open up honey, its me, mommy! I dont wanna keep yelling at you my little Hato.. OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" She yelled, still banging. Then i knew, i had to go. So i ran, i ran fast away from her onto the rooftop. Was i stupid for coming here? Yes. However, for a 4 year old i wasnt all dumb in senses. I never got to know my quirk. I had to think fast, i couldnt hear no sirens or heroes coming. I was looking around and saw some close rooftops that i could jump to. It would hurt, but it was better than being killed by that demon.

Without a second thought, i ran and jumped onto the closest rooftop, looking back at the hospital roof, i heard her scream so i hid behind a chimney. 'It cant end like this' i thought to myself. With that thought, i took off. Not looking back, i ran as fast as i could. Faster than i usually did? Why is that? Maybe its my quirk? I'll figure it out later on. Right now, all i could think about was running away from her. I didnt think of my injuries at the time, jumping from the rooftop really took a toll on my legs and arms, causing scratches and deep scars.

I wasnt right in the head, i was crying, out of it, i didnt think my life would change just like that. By accident, i ran off the roof hitting my head on a street light causing a concussion. But to my surprise, someone caught me, they had some sort of misty head, purple i think? Or maybe black? I couldn't see properly, maybe one of the effects of gaining a concussion. My eyes were slowly starting to shut.

"Shh little one, its all fine now, i've got you, i'll protect you." the mystery man softly spoke to me. It made me... happy. He reminded me of my dad. I started to drift away, into the darkness, my eyes were beginning to shut. Before i knew it, i was fast asleep, barely breathing.

(Mystery man POV)

"I'll take care of you little one, i'll make sure no one will hurt you" I softly spoke, stroking the head of the child that lies in my arms. Without any other thought, i hastily but carefully opened a portal and stalked through it, closing it behind me. No one was here, maybe they've all gone on a 'side quest' as boss likes to call it.

I walked over to my room and laid the child on my bed. 'Better get those wounds treated' i sighed. What that, i started to bandage up the childs wounds and treat his concussion. 'I wonder, if he'll be beneficial here, at the LOV.' Of course i'd have to ask boss about it first, but im sure he wont mind, after all, I bought them here. With that being said, i heard the door open and close, meaning their back. "Time to discuss terms with them, i'll be back little one." I spoke as i stood and walked over to the bar, softly closing the door behind me not wanting to wake the little one up.

"Ah, you have returned. I have matters to speak with you, Shigaraki" i spoke sternly but respectful, hoping it tells him how serious it is. "Whatever Kurogiri. Lets get this over with, its been a long day" Shigaraki sighed while taking the hands off him and cleaning them down. "As you wish" i softly spoke walking towards him while he dismisses the other members, giving us privacy.

(4 yr/old Retsu Hato POV)

"Argh..." i groaned as i slowly touched my head. I winced, feeling the pain sting through the bandages. I slowly opened my eyes, blocking the light from hitting them. I sat up cautiously, noting the two figures that sat in the same room as me, against the wall. I clutched onto the bedsheets, they were just... watching me...? No, they were analysing me, judging me to see if i was worth staying.
"He seems alright to me, if this kid doesnt cause much trouble then he can stay, althought he will be yours to look after Kurogiri." He spoke sternly as he stood up and made his way to the door before stopping with his hand on the handle. "I shall do my best sir" Kurogiri nodded as he watched me.

"Welcome to the LOV kid, you can introduce yourself once your patched up and healed." He grinned as he walked out of the room. I looked at the purple mist man, he must've been Kurogiri. "Im Kurogiri, little one, may i know your name? It'd be wise if i called you by that instead" he softly spoke to me. I smiled, i felt safe around him, i felt protected. "Retsu Hato... thats my name" i told the man back. "Nice to meet you little Hato, you can call me Kurogiri, now, lets get you cleaned up, shall we?" He smiled while walking towards me. I finally felt like i could be myself. But what bugged me the most, is that i still couldnt find out what my quirk was.

'For now...' i thought. 'Lets enjoy my stay at the... LOV? Yeah, it cant be that bad, right? They'll be my new family, yeah!'
But oh... i should stop being so optimistic, it gets me into so much trouble, because later on i would regret calling them family.

(Back to present Retsu Hato)

But its not like all that matters anyway, in waaaay beyond that point. Beyond redemption, some may say. Beyond saving, beyond life even. But it doesn't bother me much. Afterall, this is my story to tell, and mine alone.

I put the pen down and closed my book, "thats enough for today, say... why dont i go and cause some chaos~" i chuckled to myself grabbing my costume. I opened my window and jumped out, sprouting silver-like wings from my back, flying back up the side of my 'home', landing on the rooftop, crouching at the edge.

"Now... where to start.." i grinned widely, stalking the city below.

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