Chapter 2: Chaos, you say?

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I grinned, spreading my wings as far as they could go, standing up and looking down. With that, i put on my mask and gloves, continuing to jump off the roof, soaring through the air. I looked down, spotting a few thugs in an alley-way. "Must be my lucky day, they might have something for me to create chaos with~" i giggled while closing in on them. I perched myself quietly on the edge of the roof above them, without them noticing me.

Suddenly withought any thought, i grabbed a few metallic feathers from my wings and threw them in the center of their heads, killing them instantly. Satisfied with that, i hopped down and grabbed a cigar packet, a lighter and a few lethal weapons. "Hah... just like i thought, i could burn a building with this, create some.. chaos!~". I chuckled to myself, being happy with my work.

"Chaos, you say?" A grown man snicked at the entrance of the alleyway. He looked like an insomniac, he had clear baggy eyes, a stubble for a beard as well as rough looking black hair. He was quite tall, but had a bad standing posture. He was wearing some yellow goggles and a scarf of some sort.

I looked at him, noticing his hair starting to float as well as my wings dissapearing. If i knew better... "Eraserhead" i muttered, throwing the weapons on the floor whilst planning my escape.

"Oh, you remember me? Then you should also remember that i cant let you get away, villain!" He spat violently. I sighed knowing whats going to come next. "We've been at this chase of cat and mouse for how long now eraserhead?" I chuckled. "Dont you think its about time you give up already?" I smirked. "Over my. Dead. Body" eraserhead muttered under his breath, loud enough to be heard though.

"Hm. Have it your way. Eraserhead." I spat back at him running up at the wall as he attempted to capture me with his scarf. I was dodging them, cutting it close each time. It came too close for comfort, leading me to grab it and yanking him forward a bit. I was then at the edge of the rooftop looking down at him, judging by his posture, he was beyond pissed. I loved it!
"Sayonara eraserhead~" i laughed. "Until we meet again!" I yelled at him. If my calculations are correct, which they always are, judging by his hair swaying back down, he blinked. Which can only mean one thing, my quirk is back. With that information, i grew out my wings and took off before giving him another chance to take it away. I sighed. 'He must be oh-so fed up of me' i smirked, heading back to my home. "Guess chaos will have to come until later" i yawned, entering my home through my window, immediately shutting it and covering it.

[The next day]

I woke up to the nice sounds of the birds singing, as i went to check the time on my phone, it was currently 6:00am. With a yawn, i got out of bed and scurried over to the bathroom to complete my morning tasks as well as showering. After that, it was currently 7:30am, i had about an hour and a half until i had to go to work. Using that information, 'it would be best to eat something filling, im running out of money' i thought to myself. 'Maybe some pancakes will do'.

[After eating, it was 8:15am, which led off with me getting dressed, leading to the time now being 8:45am]

I sighed while styling my medium white hair and putting teal contacts in. They overtook the pink in my eyes, the eyes i have gotten from my mother. With that, i had 15 minutes until the café opened, amd 25 minutes until my shift started. Thankfully it wasnt a long journey as i lived quite close. I grabbed my bag, phone, wallet and ID and exited my apartment double-locking it to be safe. I made my way to the café i worked at.

You may be thinking, your a villain, why must you work? Wont they recognise you? You can just rob people of money. And you arent wrong, however, im a regular civillian during the daytime, ny villany work is only during the night time. They wont recognise me. Atleast i hope not.

I entered my workplace with 5 minutes to spare, so i went in the back and clocked in. I worked as a waiter here, nothing much to do than to stay behind the till and take in orders. I waited behind the till until it was opening time.

I looked up as the bell rang, indicating someone was walking through the door. Only to find it was our usual customer. "Welcome back Taro! Im assuming you want the usual?" I looked at him with a smile. "You know it buddy!" He happily spoke back whilst paying. "It'll be about 5 minutes, go and sit yourself down" i said while nodding at him. He hummed a response and nodded back, going to his usual corner seat near the window.

The door opened again, i looked up to see a young girl running inside. She had a singular horn with long light-blue hair in the cutest yellow flowered summer dress. I smiled down at her "hello little one, how are you?" She looked up at me with a wide smile on her face, she giggled "im here with my two daddys!" She pointed to the door as they walked in. I recognise them, fear ran down my spine as i kept a weak smile on my face. With a gulp, they walked over to me. There, stood before me was one Eraserhead and Present Mic.

This wasnt what i expected, hell this wasnt even near what i wanted! They never came here before, why were they here now? Did they recognise me? Oh god, do they know who i am? Am i gonna get caught? Are they here to arrest me? They didnt come in their hero outfits, and they came with a little girl, so maybe they just so happened to stop by for a quick snack? Yeah, maybe thats it. But what are they doing together? Are they together? Maybe their married and this is their little girl? I have so much questions but i dont think that i'll be able to-

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of fingers snapping infront of me. "Hey kid, you alright?" Eraserhead looked at me confused. 'I have to play it cool, i cant get caught now.' With a smile, i pointed to Present Mic and chuckled a little bit "sorry, im just a huge fan! I would never think a pro hero would come to this café! Anywho, what would you like to order?" I asked with a quiet sigh. With that, i took their order and asked them to take a seat as it would take about 5-10 minutes to get ready. I went to the staff room for a quick break.

[Time skip to the end of the shift]

After my shift had ended, it was 16:00pm, so i clocked out and left the café. I was thinking of taking a day off patrolling today and creating chaos. I wanted to get a good night sleep after a stressful day, it was busy at the café today. With fighting the urge to create chaos, i made my way home. Little did i know, this peaceful walk was going to be the death of me. Well, metaphorically speaking anyway.

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