Meeting Emma

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Crap. What did she say? Was it two lefts then a right? Ugh. Maybe coming to the beach wasn't a good idea after all. Guess I'll have to ask someone. I looked around trying to find a store, or gas station.
      After what felt like forever, I finally found a tiny shop, that looked like it sold fishing equipment. Right when I walked in I saw this short tan girl, with really long red hair. Her eyes were hazel and she was wearing a crop top and jeans. She was talking to a boy, who was a lot taller than her. But they looked almost identical. "Oh hi potential costumer! How can I help you?" She seems nice enough right? "Do you happen to know where the beach is?" Her face fell. "Oh um of course!" Her face lighting up again, but still sad. "From here take two lefts then a right" She said smiling. "Thank you so much" Why do I feel so bad?
     "So what's your name?" I asked trying to make her feel better. Her whole face lit up with joy, while the boy rolled his eyes. "Emma and this is my twin brother Erik. He's kinda grumpy so don't worry about him. Also your dog is so cute!" Emma exclaimed while Erik rolled his eyes again. "Oh thank you. Her name is Bailey and I'm Aubrey" I said chuckling at her comment about her brother.
     "So why are you going to the beach?" Asked Emma. "Just to walk Bailey and get some fresh air" I explained. " You can come with me if you want" Her face lit up even more. "Omg! Of course!" She turned to her brother. "You can handle the shop right"? Erik rolled his eyes once again "No it will get robbed then get burnt down" This time it was Emma'a turn to roll her eyes. "Lets go!"
     "So... tell me about your self" Emma said. I hesitated. Should I tell her about Mason? (Her boyfriend who drowned for anyone confused) "Well my name is Bailey" I said pausing. " I like to read, draw, and uh, other stuff". I said clearly struggling to think of something to say. The scowl Emma gave me was enough for me to keep trying. " I like the color Aquamarine. My favorite animal is horses. Fav food is pizza. Is that better?" I asked. Emma paused "You know what? Sure." "Show me how it's done then" I said challenging her. Emma smirked "Alright"
Wow she should right a story, she's so descriptive. "Okay you win" "What? I was just introducing myself to you" "It sounds like you were trying to write a book" I stated, trying not to laugh. Emma glanced over at me and made a hm sound. "So any questions newbie"? I couldn't help but laugh. "What?" Emma asked, looking concerned. "Sorry, but newbie?" I said while holding back laughter. Emma rolled her eyes. "Yeah like since you're new to this town and all, any questions?"
      " Um actually yeah. Do you know a guy with bright blue eyes and-" "Oh you mean Aaron?!" Emma asked cutting me off. "I guess" Emma started smiling again. "Ooh does someone have a little crush~?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes.                                     
     "Yeah I just moved here yesterday and I already have a crush on a guy that I've never meant in my life. You got it" I said sarcastically. Emma playing along said "Wow you fall fast! What you have a crush on Erik to?" I decided to keep going. "Yep" I said, causing Emma to laugh. "Alright I won't tell him" Emma joked.
    "Anyways what about Aaron"? I was trying to think of a way to word it. "I don't know, he seems, interesting." "Okay well he's mute" "Mute?" I asked, having no clue what that meant "I thought you read" Emma said, clearly annoyed. "It means you can't talk dummy." Oh, that's why he just nodded at me then. Oh god I'm such an idiot. "Oh, why can't he talk?" I asked actually curios for once.
      "Nobody actually knows. Some people say he was born that way. But some people say he just doesn't talk because he hates everyone. He almost never comes out of his house either." I feel kinda bad for him though. "Does he have siblings, or parents?" "No. His parents died in a car crash and his uncle got married and moved. He has a cousin but even he doesn't talk to him" Oh wow, what a family. "That's sad" I said. Genuinely feeling bad for him. "Yeah it really is"
      "Anyways off this topic, where do you live?"
    "Thanks for your number" I said to Emma, who was wrapping up the shop. "Of course! We're friends now right?" She asked, hope filling her eyes. "Sure!" "Yay!  Well I'll talk to you tomorrow" Emma said . "Alright. Bye!" I said throwing in a wave and smile. She waved back.
Now how do I get home again? Left then right? I think. "Woah Bailey quit pulling on your leash girl" Then the leash slips out of my hands and Bailey took off running. "Oh sh-" I said running after her. She eventually turned into a yard and ran under the gate. Crap, I don't wanna trespass, but I kinda need my dog.              Luckily the gate was open and all I needed to do was go in, grab Bailey, and get out, Simple enough right? Wrong. Right when
I opened the gate I saw Aaron standing there, looking more confused then frightened...

To be continued...

Thank y'all so much for reading if you got this far! I actually got two parts out today! Credits to Summer278774 for name ideas! Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues, and I hope y'all have a amazing morning/day/night! 😃

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