Our Happy Ending

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Oh my gosh. He's kissing me. WAIT! I backed up starting Aaron. Aaron immediately backed away. He stared to sign something, but I stopped him. I leaned into him, kissing him back this time. He took a second to realize what was happening then started to kiss me back.

I don't know how long it was but we spent a long time kissing and cuddling. Soon enough the movie was over, and our popcorn and drinks were left untouched. I looked at Aaron and smiled. I've been wanting this for awhile. "Bree you're so beautiful, sweet, caring," Aaron started, stopping to kiss me again.

"Will you be my girlfriend Bree?" Aaron signed so fast I barely took in what he was saying. I was shocked. I never thought that Aaron, the same mysterious boy who payed for my groceries, let me into his yard, held me close while I was crying, bumped into me, and asked for a job with me, was asking me to be his girlfriend.

"Yes! Yes of course!" I said smiling. He kissed me again. He was smiling too. "Emma was right about you." Aaron signed. I raised my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" I questioned. He kissed my cheek. "She said you had a crush on me from day one." He signed smirking.

I didn't say anything. I just kissed him again. "Guess I'll take that as a yes." He signed. "Guess so" I said laughing. We cuddled into my bed, meaning to cuddle and fell asleep.

When We woke up we kissed again. I could get used to this. I smiled. "Why are you smiling Bree?" Aaron asked. "Just thinking about you." I answered. He smiled back. We spent most of the day cuddling and kissing.

"I wonder what Emma will say about us." I said. "She'll probably scream, jump, and who knows what else." Aaron signed. "We should probably tell her." I then realized. "Shoot! We have work today!" I said jumping up, Aaron following after me.

We were already hours late, but we rushed anyways.

When we got there, there was only one customer. And Emma looked bored. She saw us and she bounced out of her chair. "You! Mister Aaron! You better have a good excuse of why you came so late!" She  turned to me. "Abbie make up a lie I'll believe you." She said. I laughed. You gotta love Emma.

"Actually Emma, we have something to tell you." I said looking at Aaron. "Same actually." Emma said her funny voice fading away. "You first though." She said. Just then Erik walked in taking on the phone. "Yeah I'll see you later babe, yeah love you too."  He said, still talking into the phone. Aaron looked at me.

"I thought he broke up with his girlfriend?" He signed. I shrugged. I didn't know Erik got a new girlfriend. That was fast. "Okay so what were you going to tell me Aubrey?" Emma asked, ignoring Erik's weird looks. I looked at Aaron, "We are dating." I said, quickly.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEWWWW IT!" Emma screamed. Aaron started silently chuckling. He took my hand and squeezed it. Erik came over and said "Congrats." Emma was having a cow. It was a interesting scene.

"Can y'all kiss!?" Emma asked still jumpy. I glanced at Aaron, getting ready to tell him that we didn't have to. But he took my face and kissed me right on the lips. I grabbed his shoulders and we kissed again. Emma grabbed her phone and took a picture, with her flash on.

But I didn't care. "So what did you want to tell us Emma?" I asked, still holding Aaron's hand. "Um, I'm dating someone to..!" She said hesitantly. "Seriously! Who?" I questioned. She visibly relaxed. "His name is Kevin, and he's sooo nice!"

I smiled. "We can go on double dates!" I looked at Aaron. "Right babe?" He looked away at the word "babe" but nodded. I laughed. Emma looked at Erik. "We could go on triple dates! If that's a thing." She said. Erik rolled his eyes. "We could go to the circus together! I sure they are hiring." he said sarcastically. Emma rolled her eyes too.

"Yeah you'd be perfect for the job, maybe you can fill in for Dumbo." Emma replied, causing me and Aaron to laugh. I even saw Erik crack a small smile. "Whatever, bye guys." Erik said. "Where are you going?" Asked Emma. "Away from you." Erik replied.

Emma frowned at him. "On a date, with Ashley." He answered. Emma raised and lowered her eyebrows repeatedly. "Ashley eh? Wasn't she the one who came in for a new fishing rod a few weeks ago?" Emma asked. "Yes now stop being nosy." Erik said.

Erik waved us goodbye. "Hey Kevin is coming over! He wants to meet you. Emma said. Just then the door chime rang. "Hey sweetheart, sorry I'm late traffic was bad." Said a tall man.

He had green hair that went past his ears. He was taller then Emma and looked like he was strong. "It's okay baby! This is my bestie." She motioned to me. "Aubrey, and her boyfriend" she motioned to Aaron. "Aaron, but he's mute but Aubrey will translate."

I smiled at him. "Nice to meet you..." I paused already forgetting his name. "Kevin," he said. "Nice to meet you both." Aaron smiled at him. "Tell him I said nice to meet him to." Aaron signed to me.

"Aaron says it's nice to meet you too." I said. He smiled at Aaron. "He seems nice right?" I asked Aaron. I liked how we could talk without anyone knowing what we were saying. Aaron nodded.

"Okay well y'all can go we are closing early today." Emma said. I didn't know why we were closing early but I didn't question it. Me and Aaron waved to them and left.

I looked at Aaron and smiled. I was so glad I had him to myself. So glad I was curios the day I meant him. So glad he knew sign language. So glad he was mine. I knew In my heart I already loved him...


I'll I can say is wow. I can't believe I actually finished my first story. Yes, it's not the best, a bunch of parts make no sense and there's sooo much grammar issues, but I can't believe I finished this. If you got this far and you are reading this right now thank you so much for reading! I don't usually ask but could you please vote or comment? I would just like to know how many people actually read my stories. Thank you. And HUGE thanks to my best friend who convinced me to write and helped me so much with this. Summer278774 thank you so much! I will be writing a epilogue so stay tuned! As always thanks so much for reading! I hope y'all have a outstanding day! 💜💜
(WC: 1,164)

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