Finally... A Job

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    I was exhausted. Me and Aaron hanged out for... four hours?! Not to mention I wanted to look for jobs today. Guess that's not happening. I thought letting out a sigh. Making Bailey look up at me.

By the time I got home it was 7 o'clock. I guess I did have time to look for a job, but I decided against it. I'm way to tired to act all nice. After a nice warm shower, I heard a doorbell. Why do I always get company when I'm tired? I thought annoyed. "Coming!" I yelled while throwing on a clean oversized sweatshirt.

"Hi dearie! How's your life going? Did I come at a bad time?" Said a tiny lady. Autumn. I thought. I completely forgot about her... oops. "Oh hey! My life is going good! Do you um want to come in, or-" I said cutting off. "Oh no! I wouldn't do that to you! You look exhausted! Long day?" She asked. Um yeah let's go with that.

Yeah you could say that." I said flatly. "Alright well we must meet up again soon dearie!" Autumn exclaimed, smiling. I gave her a weak smile back and went inside. I did not realize how tired I am. Guess I'm going to bed early tonight.
I wonder if Emma would hire me. That would be the best job ever! I could hang out with her all day, while still getting paid and maybe even talk to Aaron. I decided to try and ask Emma. Worth a shot right?
Aubrey: Hey Emma, can I come over?
Emma: Please!
Aubrey: On my way.

"So what brings you here? Aaron asked you out? Need someone to babysit Bailey?" Emma teased, while Erik rolled his eyes and went out back. "No and no."I said ignoring her comment about Aaron. "I was wondering if I could, um, maybe work here? I said quickly. Emma's face lit up. "OH MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ASKED! OF COUSE BESTIE!" Emma screamed. I started smiling along with her.

"Thanks! When do I start?" I asked. "Today! Well, um if you want to of course. Heh" Emma stated, awkwardly. I grinned. "So what do we even do? And how much do I get paid?" I asked. "Um I don't know how much you get paid yet...? Anyways we sell fish bait and fishing equipment. If no one comes in for the store, then we post on our blog to try and get more customers! It's really fun! Well... sometimes..." Emma explained. "I don't care it sound fun? Also I need to get paid" I said laughing to loud. "Alright we will see what we can do!" Emma said.

"So Aubrey right?" Erik asked me. "Yep! I'm Emma's..." I said pausing. "Best friends" She filled in for me. "Best friends" I repeated. "Okay" Erik said hesitantly. "What's your salary expectations?" He asked seriously. Honestly I have no clue. How much should I get paid? "Um... maybe 11 per hour? Or is that too much? I don't know. I've never worked before." I sputtered. Erik grinned. "You're hired."

       "Wait actually?!" I asked, filling with hope. "Yes yes" Erik chuckled. "Under one condition. You can't be mean to my girlfriend and you can't steal anything." He said back to his serious tone. "Doesn't that count as two things?" Emma asked smirking. Erik glared at her. "Shut up you pig eating horse!" Emma rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue. "Make me!" She said giggling like a child. "Anyways" Erik stared completely ignoring Emma. "You promise?" "Yes sir!" I said, playfully. "Emma go teach her how to work the cash register and our website." Erik said grabbing his phone. "Yea yea. Come on Aubrey!"
        "Okay so to open the cash register, you click this button. Then you put money into these sockets in the cash register. That's basically it. Um you do know how to use a calculator right?" Emma explained then asked, eyeing me skeptically. "Don't you microwave it to turn it on?" I asked jokingly. Of course I know how to work a calculator. "No." Emma said seriously. "You need to take it out of it's case and then yeet it out the window." Emma said trying but failing to hold in her laugh. "That's way to complicated!" I said pretending to pout. "Forget it, I'll just use my fingers!" I said wheezing hard. "Okay what's 20-33.19?" Emma asked smirking again. "Let's see" I said holding up my fingers. One, two" I said laughing harder now. "You're going the wrong way!" Emma gasped, laughing way to hard to catch her breath. "Oh oops! 1,000, 999," I chucked. Getting ready to pass out because I was laughing so hard. All of a sudden Erik walks in the room, looking serious. "I'm starting to regret hiring you Aubrey." Erik stated. Rolling his eyes. "Emms over there is a bad influence on you." You should leave." He said so serious I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. "You're just jealous Andrew isn't has funny as me!" Emma said dramatically.

      "Ha you wish! He's way more funnier then you are!" Erik stated cockily. "Well Abbi over there knows sign language! And she's super smart!" Emma bragged. Wait Abbi? Interesting. "No one asked Emma" Erik said rolling his eyes. "Yeah and your no one." Emma said, slyly. Erik was so mad you could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. "Shut the fudge up Emma." He said walking out the door. "Make me! Emma called. She turned to me. "You better be taking notes." She smiled and winked at me. "On what? How to insult people?" I asked. "No one how to use a calculator, pay attention!" She said smirking once again.

To be continued...

Well this chapter took forever! Sorry for the delay, school is very stressful. Also Emms is Erik's nickname for Emma, so I purposefully misspelled it. Hopefully I can get the text chapter out soon! Anyways until then stay healthy and have a amazing day! (Word count 1,013!)

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