Beginning of Troubles

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"Thanks again for hiring me Erik." I said, genuinely thankful. "If you keep thanking me I'll have to unhire you." Erik said flatly. "Unhire isn't a word you moron." Emma stated. "Oh? Then what's the correct term genius?" Erik asked, smirking.
       "OH MY GOD! ABBIE HE JUST CALLED ME A GENIUS! PLEASE TELL ME YOU WERE FILMING!" Emma screamed. "I unfortunately cannot say that I was recording, but I can say that I heard him call you a genius," I said in a very serious tone.

        Emma then stuck his tongue out at Erik. Which caused Erik to roll his eyes and walk away. But in the process he tripped over nothing. (Happens to me so why not?) "Ow" Erik said mumbling under his breath, something I won't repeat. At that point Emma started laughing like a hyena.
     "Oh my gosh! Why am I not filming this?" Emma said through tears. "That's it" Erik said suddenly standing up. "Aubrey your unhired." Erik said leaving the room. "Still not a word you dragonfly eating caterpillar! Emma called after him. "No one asked you un-educated fool!" Erik answered back. "Sometimes I wonder how y'all are related." I said. Emma winked. "Maybe we're not..."
I was bored. Maybe Aaron will text? Or better yet maybe we can hang out. I decided to text him. Maybe he's really bored too.

Aubrey: Hey Aaron! I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me?

He responded almost immediately. I guess he was bored. I thought to myself.

Aaron: Sure where would you like to go?

Aubrey: Maybe we can get dinner? Do you know any good restaurants?

Aaron: We could go to Outback? They have really good bread.

Aubrey: I've never been there, sounds good! What time should I come over?

Aaron: Around 5?

Aubrey: Sounds like a plan! What a plan?! Who says that?! Oh god...

Aaron: Okay see you then

Aubrey: Okay!

What did I just do? I don't even have anything nice to wear!
     I eventually settled on a casual but not casual look. I had on a grey crop top with a black jacket over it, some leggings and to top it off some golden hoop earrings. I decided to just leave my hair down. Or should I curl it? God Aubrey! It's just dinner! Why am I getting so dressed up?! 

      When it was finally time to head over to Aaron's, I realized, I completely forgot about Bailey! Crap! I would of asked Emma but she wouldn't pick up her phone. So I went to Autumn. Of course she was more than thrilled to babysit (as she called it) Bailey.

       Okay should I just walk in? Or text him? I'm over thinking again. Once I got to the door, I hesitated. Maybe I should just text him instead. But then the door opened and out came Aaron. "Were you just going to stand there?" He signed.

       I immediately felt my checks redden. "Um no I was-" I said pausing to think of a good lie. "Waiting to see if that bug was going to leave so I didn't let it in," I said finally.

       He smiled and started silently laughing. "Hey! Don't laugh! I was doing you a favor! That bug could of been deadly!" I said sarcastically. He nodded his head, grinning at me. "We'll thanks for saving me. I owe you one," he signed, still grinning.

       "Well you know I am known for my heroic deeds," I said laughing now. He nodded his head again. "Really? I've never heard of you," he signed. "You probably have, they call me Black Widow," I remarked, pretending to shoot him."

       "Avengers fan?" He asked. "No," I answered honestly. "She's the first person who came to mind." "Ah." I nodded at him. "Ready to go?" I asked. He nodded his head. He does that a lot. But then again I guess he can't really talk can he?

     Our car ride was pretty quite. Since I was driving, I had to keep my eyes on the road, which didn't work well when Aaron had to talk to me. Or when he had to give me directions. "Left then right, right?" I asked him, slowing down so I could look at him. He immediately nodded his head so I could look back to the road.

      I asked him if he wanted to drive but he said no, I probably should. I wonder if he even has a car, or a driver's licenses. I guess he never really needs to drive since this town is so small. Aaron snapped at me to get my attention.

   "Sorry what? I was lost in my thoughts." I told him, slowing down again. The car behind us switched lanes and passed me. "You kinda skipped the turn back there." "Crap." I mumbled, trying to find a good place to turn around at.

       When we finally got there is was 5:35. I ended up getting lost twice more after the fist incident. "Sorry again." I told Aaron for what felt like the eleventh time. But he nodded and signed, "stop saying sorry Bree. It's okay." "Okay."

        "Two today?" Asked the *hostess. "Yes." I answered for us. "Okay right this way!" She said happily. Her name tag read Molly and it had a small happy face next to it.

       "Okay, your waiter will be here shortly!" She said, after we arrived at our table. Our table was a small one. There was barely enough room to put my legs under the table without hitting Aaron's legs. It was nice though. It had a little rack of condiments, like all restaurants do, with a stack of napkins next to it.

       "Do you know what you want to drink? Or do you want a appetizer?" I asked, awkwardly. I realized that I was going to have to order for him, so I minus well know what he wants now.

     "I want sweet tea and do you want the mozzarella sticks for the appetizer?" He signed. "Okay I'll let the waiter know when they come. And yeah mozzarella sticks sound good!" I said.

   When we were finally done with our food, Aaron kept trying to pay the bill. "Hey we can spilt it. We both ate so we can both pay for it." I demanded lightly. He silently signed but nodded.

     As we were leaving, these boys walked in. They looked around my age and there was three of them. One was very tall, taller then Aaron. He had dark blue hair that was really messy. He was kinda of hot. But I still thought Aaron looked hotter.

       Wait. What am I thinking?! Calling Aaron hot? Ugh. But Aaron's face pulled me away from my thoughts. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked him. He didn't say anything. (Probably because he couldn't) "Hey, what'a wrong?" I asked again.
    When the boys saw us, there reaction changed. They stated waking toward us and Aaron pulled me closer to him. I could feel myself blushing. Not now Aubrey.

    "Well the little mute boy, got a girlfriend, huh?" Said one of the boys. "Guess we'll have to change that."

To be continued...

Hostess: A women who entertains/greets guests.

Wow this took awhile! Let me know if you like this formant better. I think it spaces out the paragraphs better, and it's easier to read. But let me know! Also, yes, I know that's the most cliche title, but leave me alone. Also what were your thoughts on this chapter? What do you think will happen with Aubrey's and Aaron's relationship with each other?! Let me know! Sorry for the super long author note. But as always, sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. And remember you are amazing! Have a wonderful day/night! (Word count: 1302!)


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