Spiders eye

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Thinking: How did I do that?!
Talking: hello little spiders
Rings: you where born to wield me
Texting: *screw off*
(Two days earlier)
(Gwen's p.o.v.)
(School hall way)
Gwen: I can't believe I said that to y/n, I need to find him so I can apologize

Gwen starts to run around searching for you but couldn't find you. She started asking students, teachers, anyone who might have seen you but most of them said you just left so she tried texting

Gwen: *y/n, where are you? Im sorry I didn't mean it*

After a couple minutes she tried again

Gwen:*y/n please, I'm sorry but can you please talk to me!*

Half an hour later she was still left on delivered. Thinking he still needed time to calm down she decided to walk home

On the walk home her spidey sense started ringing to the point it hurt her head and just like when it started it just stoped

Gwen: what the hell was that?!

She said out loud gaining some looks from people

Gwen: shouldn't have said that out loud but what the hell was that!? I swear my spidey sense went off but why

She looks around trying to figure out what just happened but couldn't see anything

Gwen: maybe It was just a fluke? But I swear the sky turned red but that's not possible... no nothing happened it was just a fluke, it's not like the world is about set on fire.

She had no idea how right she was

|two days later|

Gwen is in her suit swinging around the city until she saw a line of cop cars heading towards the jp Morgan bank

Gwen: that's something to do I guess
She lands on one of the cop cars only for one other person land beside her

Gwen: that's something to do I guessShe lands on one of the cop cars only for one other person land beside her

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Miles: how's it hanging Gwen!

Gwen looked down saddened at the fact you've been missing for two days but still puts on a cheery personality

Gwen: nothing to bad just all little boring is all

Miles: I hear that me and Pete have been out patrolling for a week straight and so far only low level crooks

Gwen: well let's hope it's one of our favourite fans where about to encounter

Miles: I hope it's shocker, I need to give him a good punch for ruining my su- 

BOOM three cop cars ahead of them blew up causing the one there on to screech to a halt, so they started swinging only to be met with shots of red energy.

Gwen: OK |Dodge| THIS GUYS NEW

They noticed the blasts where coming from inside the bank

Gwen: this guys a |dodge| really |duck| great shot

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