The decision

560 16 1

Thinking: How did I do that?!
Talking: hello little spiders
Rings: you where born to wield me

(Narrator POV)
It been two days since the muggers body was found strung up in the alleyway and with New York being New York nobody really cared, just pushed it off to being another villain on the loose.
Little did they know it was something much, much worse.
(Y/n's POV)
Y/n's:I-I still c-can't believe I did that

Y/n's hands where shaking just like the rest of him but if you look closer you can see a faint red glow from his ring finger

Y/n's: b-but I would be lying if it didn't feel at least a bit satisfying.

(Flash back) ( POV)

Mugger: why isn't that brat moving? Ahh who cares less work for me

He was about to lunge and attack him but was stopped when he felt self preservation kick in, the mugger staggered back wondering why the hell am I so scared of a kid?

As the mugger was questioning himself a bright red glow came from the boy

Mugger: W-What the hell?!?!

Y/n/???: isn't it fun?


Y/n/???: watching someone's life slowly drain from there eyes

(Flashback end)
He still couldn't get there screams out of his head. The ring glowed brighter as if it just woke up. Y/n saw this and decided to see if the ring was truly sentient like he thought.

Y/n: what do I do now? He asked not fully expecting an answer

???: what ever you want nobody can stop you now

The red ring glowed power seeping from it
Y/n jumped and was tempted to throw the ring across the room but he was stopped by something in the back of his head telling him to wait.

Y/n: what ever I want?

???: yes~ you are now powerful enough to stand up to gods

The ring said so confidently y/n was inclined to believe it

???: but first let's start out with some small fry to get you... accustomed, to your new powers

As the ring says this y/n seems almost hypnotized, he starts to feel anger building up inside him. His thoughts seemed to switch from confusion to blaming his anger on any and all in his vicinity but just as it started it stopped.

The rings light dimmed, it seemed as if it was confused

???: how?!

Y/n: what?


It screams more confused then angry

Y/n: control?! You we're trying to control me!

???: grrrr, not in the sense that I'd take over your mind but just making you angry enough that you'd attack what ever gets in your way

Y/n: why!?

???: to unleash your anger on the world and hurt Gwen just as she hurt you! And help me prove to my brothers that I'm truly the strongest.

Y/n: wait brothers? There's more of you!?!?

???: yes but you don't need to know of them just yet.

As you try to digest this information you remember the part about him trying to control you so you again try to pull off the ring, and just like beforehand something told you not to. Thinking it's the ring trying to stop you, you don't listen but when your body forcible stops you and you grow more concerned. 

Y/n: W-What did you do to me?

???:what do you mean?

Y/n: why can't I pull you off?!

???:hmm? I can't physically control your body only emotionally.


???: again I have no way of controlling your motor functions!


You put your arm back to your side,

Y/n: what the hell am I supposed to do with a sentient all powerful ring

???: like I said earlier, what ever the hell you want!

Y/n: hm, so your saying I could, I don't know, rob a bank?

???: yes

Y/n:what about fighting the avengers?

???: no sentient being will be able to make you submit

Y/n: neat how about we try...

You quickly try to remove the ring thinking that if it was distracted it can't stop you. Unfortunately it looks like third time isn't the charm.


???: you tried to pull me off again, didn't you?

Y/n:*sigh* yeah, I guess I am really stuck with you

An awkward silence sets in

Y/n: so about robbing that bank...

???: it would be a good way to test ours selfs against this planet's defenders.

Y/n: okay, but first what should I call you? It's gonna get annoying just calling you "the ring"

???: hmmm. your right, how about the name of my first user:



~there you go a new chapter and again sorry for the new updates but this story is more of
"if I'm feeling up to it" thing so expect slow updates but earthier way hope you enjoy the story so far~

~858 words~

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