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maeve wasn't a fan of double dates, and this wasn't the first one she'd gone on with ruby. she was too embarrassed to even begin to think about how terrible that one ended.

she stared at herself in the mirror and sighed. she had only packed pajamas and work clothes for this week. she had nothing formal or pretty. she pulled her phone out.

maeve: i really dont have anything to wear..

ruby immediately responded.

ruby: i know. i packed you a little something to change into in the car ;) im outside now.

of course she did, maeve thought.

maeve slipped out of the room she was staying in and headed towards the front entrance. she hadn't seen miles in several hours. she hoped to avoid him.

"where are you going, maevey?" a voice asked. she quickly turned to face the man.

"oh! im just going out to dinner with a friend. its after 7, so im technically off.. is that alright?" she asked quietly.

he nodded and walked away without further questioning. she let out a relieved sigh and met ruby in her car.

"hi! put this on!" ruby exclaimed the moment maeve sat down. she held up the dress and sighed. "its a little bit skimpy.." she mumbled.

"sure is." her friend said with a smile.

after twenty minutes of excruciatingly boring conversation while ruby made out with her date, maeve was ready to find an excuse to leave.

his name was andrew. he was a nice guy. he worked in construction. he just wasn't exactly maeve's type. she pulled through the best she could and tried to ignore his sexual advances.

"you look sexy in the dress," he said.

"you've said so a few times now." she replied with a fake smile. "thank you."

"you want to come back to mine?"

she gulped. "o-oh, i actually have to get back to work."

"she's staying at a fancy estate for the week," ruby chimed in, taking a break from smushing lips before her date led her outside to talk privately.

"i can take care of your little problem, you know?" andrew suggested. maeve raised an eyebrow at him, sipping her drink. the club was lively, but not overly crowded. it wasn't too bad for maeve's introverted personality. it had definitely been worse.

"my problem?" she asked.

"your friend," he started. "she said you needed a good bang. i can give you that."

maeve gulped. andrew stood up, grabbed her by the wrist and walked her to a secluded area of the club. he roughly pressed her body against a wall and kissed her. she pushed him away and stepped back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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