3 Part (2)

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Location: Nemesis

The Next Morning:

Inside Soundwave's Room:

CyberStar started waking up. She slowly opened her optics. She looked and she saw her boyfriend sleeping peacefully. She smiled. She slowly got off the berth. Laserbeak saw her getting off the berth. She flew and she landed on the top of her helm. CyberStar smiled. She then walked out heading to the med bay to see if there was any improvement with her brother.

Inside The Med Bay:

Megatron still hasn't woken up yet. Knockout was starting to get worried. But he knew that it would probably take a while for him to come around. But what people didn't know was that Megatron was trying to come around but he couldn't and he didn't know why. But a certain someone decided to visit him today. It was his baby sister and Laserbeak who decided to tag along. CyberStar walked over and she climbed on the med berth that her brother was lying on. She looked at him and she saw that he was repaired but he wasn't the same or isn't the same. Because he isn't here. Well, one word he isn't awake and he isn't here and he isn't around to cheer up his baby sister like he used to do back on Cybertron and on Earth.

Inside Soundwave's Room:

Soundwave was lying on the berth and he slowly started to wake up. He slowly opened his optics. He looked and he saw that his girlfriend wasn't with him. He then glanced at Laserbeak's resting area. And she wasn't there either. "She's probably in the med bay seeing her brother. And Laserbeak probably tagged along with her." He said to himself. He Sighs. "Please pull through this master. Your sister needs you. We all need you. It's not the same without you, master." He said to himself. He got up and he walked out.

In The Halls:

Outside The Med Bay:

Soundwave was walking in the halls and checking over things. He finally approached the med bay. But he stopped and he heard something. But this voice sounded beautiful. The doors slid open to the med bay. He looked and the voice that he heard was his girlfriend's voice. He saw his girlfriend humming and singing to her brother and to his master. It was a Cybertronian song. Soundwave smiled. He didn't know that his girlfriend could sing so beautifully. He stood in the doorway listening to her. Until she was done singing. "There. I hope you liked it, Megsy. Because you used to sing that to me back on Cybertron, when sire and carrier were not around on most days." She said to her brother. Hoping that he heard her. Which he did. Soon a voice came out of nowhere. To which she thought she was alone. "That was beautiful, my love." Soundwave said to his girlfriend. CyberStar immediately jumped. She turned and she saw her boyfriend standing in the doorway of the med bay.

"Sounds. How long have you been standing there?" She asked him. "Not that long, my dear." He replied back to his girlfriend. "I didn't know you could sing so beautifully, my love." He said to his girlfriend. "Yeah. I can. But nobody knows that I can sing like this except you. And thank you, Sounds." She replied back to her boyfriend. "Your welcome, my love." He said to his girlfriend. "So how did you know that I was here?" She asked him. "I figured you'd be here visiting my master and your brother. And I also see that Laserbeak decided to tag along with you." He said to his girlfriend. "Which was really nice of you to do for my girlfriend Laserbeak." He said to Laserbeak. Laserbeak immediately chirped. Soundwave then walked inside the med bay to be with his girlfriend.

Inside The Med Bay:

"Sounds. I want my brother back. It's really not the same without him. I miss his laughter, his jokes and sometimes his strictness. Which I hate but that's just him. He always makes sure that everything is done right." She said to her boyfriend. Soundwave chuckled. "Since when was my master a jokester?" He asked her. She giggled. "It's a long story, Sounds." She replied back to her boyfriend. "But sometimes his jokes aren't really good. But that's just the point. He gets to where it's really funny the way he says it. And that's what I miss." She said to her boyfriend. "But Sounds. What's taking so long for him to come around." She asked him. "That I don't know, sweet spark." He replied back to his girlfriend. "Sounds. Do you think he is trying to come back but he can't because something has happened." She asked him. "That's a possibility." He replied back to his girlfriend. "But let's not lose hope, my sweet spark. Because we need all the hope that we need and can get. I know my master. He will come back. He always does, my love." He said to his girlfriend. She nodded and she looked at her brother. Wondering why he's taking so long to come around and to come back to his loving family.

Location: Unknown Place

Megatron kept walking. It felt like he had been walking around for millions of years or for an earth hour. He walked until he didn't see anything. He turned around. And what he saw he immediately had tears. What he was seeing shocked him, he was his and his sister's deceased carrier. "Carrier." He said. She smiled. "Yes, my sweet boy. It is me." She said to her son. Megatron immediately ran to his carrier. He immediately embraced her. "Oh carrier. I have missed you." He said to his carrier, while crying. She smiled. "I have missed you too, my son. I also miss your sister and your sire." She replied back to her son.

She went and she looked at her son. She immediately wiped his tears away. She went and she placed both of her servos on both of his cheeks. "My son. My sweet Megatronus. To which I know you don't go by that name anymore." She said to her son. "Wait, how do you know, carrier." He asked her. She chuckled. "A little birdie told me. But I always have my way." She said to her son. Megatron chuckled. "Yes. I remember that." He replied back to his carrier. "Listen, my son. It's not your time. You need to go back and be with your sister and your sire." She said to her son. Megatron looked down. "But how can I go back? I don't know how." He said to his carrier.

She looked at her son. "My son. I will help you. I will also let your sire see me for a while." She replied back to her son. "Now, let's get you back to your baby sister and to your cranky and grumpy sire." She said to her son. Megatron laughed. "He's always been that way, carrier. As long as I can remember." He said to his carrier. She giggled. "Yes I know. That's why I fell in love with him in the first place." She replied back to her son. "Now. It's time to go, my son." She said to her son. Megatron went and he hugged his carrier. Embracing her for the very last moment. She went and she hugged him back. "I will always love you, my son. I will always be with you." She said to her son. Soon everything went dark.

Inside The Med Bay:

Soundwave was holding his girlfriend that he didn't even know that his master was coming around. Megatron slowly moved. He slowly opened his optics. He slowly turned and he immediately smiled. "Hello my baby sister. Guess who's favorite big brother is back." He said to his sister. While making the last part a joke. Soundwave quickly looked up. CyberStar immediately turned. She immediately had tears pouring out of her eyes. "MEGSY!!!" She said and shouted while crying. Soundwave got up and he walked over and he sat her down on the med berth to be with her brother and his master. CyberStar slowly hugged her brother.

"I missed you, Megsy. I really did miss you." She said and whispered to her brother. "I know. I missed you too, sis." He replied and whispered back to his sister. Soon they backed away. I also heard you singing to me. I must say your voice is really beautiful sis. I didn't know that you could sing like that." He said to his sister. CyberStar immediately blushed. Megatron chuckled. He then looked at Soundwave. "Soundwave. Can you go get my sire? I really need to see him. It's important." He said to Soundwave. He nodded and he bridged himself out. "Oh and sis. Someone else says hello." He said to his sister. CyberStar looked at her brother. "Who, Megsy?" She asked him. He motioned her to come closer. She did. He then whispered into her receptors. "Our carrier says hello. And that she is really proud of you." He said and whispered to his sister in her receptors.

Soon the doors opened to the med bay. Megatron slowly turned. Alfatronus looked and he saw his son was wide awake. He immediately sighs in relief. He immediately ran over. He immediately embraced his son. Megatron smiled and he purred. "I missed you my son." His sire said to him. "I missed you too, sire." He replied back to his sire. "But someone else wants to see you." He said to his sire. Alfatronus got up and he looked at his son. "Who?" He asked him. Soon servos wrapped around Alfatronus's body. He immediately jumped. But soon he relaxed. He then felt his wings and shoulder spikes being caressed in a certain way. Only his sparkmate would do that and know what place to caress his wings and shoulder spikes. "No. It can't be." He said and whispered to where only the figure heard him. Soon he heard a familiar voice whispering in his receptors.

"It is my handsome mech." Said the familiar voice. Alfatronus immediately had tears in his eyes. He slowly turned around. Once he did. He was faced with his deceased sparkmate. He immediately had tears in his eyes. He went and he immediately embraced his sparkmate. "My sweet and loving CrystalLight. I have missed you so much, my dear." He said to his sparkmate, while crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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