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|The Purple Ranger|
|Chapter Four: Teamwork|
|Third Person|

|The Purple Ranger||Chapter Four: Teamwork||Third Person|

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"Stop the pollution of our neighborhood

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"Stop the pollution of our neighborhood." Said Trini handing out fliers.

"Sign petition, shut the dump site down." Kimberly trying to get the students attention, as she had a clipboard with her.

"We can hardly stand the smell anymore. Let them know that you care. Please sign up."

"Oh hi Mr. Kaplan." Kimberly greeted the principal.

"Now this is wonderful, girls. It's dandy that you're trying to clean up the environment. But is this dump site as bad as you say?" Asked Mr. Kaplan.

"You should see the place, Mr. Kaplan. It's an industrial waste disaster." Trini telling the principal.

"Who could stand to pollute the earth like that? The principal made a face as he agreed with Kimberly.

"Hey Kimberly, hey Trini. What you girls doing?" Amelia walked up to them with a smile.

"Hey Lia."

"Hey Amelia. We are asking the students to sign this petition to shut the dump site down. It's horrible how that place is polluting our neighborhood."

"Oh no that's terrible."

"Would like to sign up and help?" Asked Kimberly.

"Yeah of course. Where do I sign?" Trini pointed on Kimberly's clipboard. As Amelia was signing, Jason, Zack and Billy were heading their way.

"Sign a petition. Help clean up the dump site."

"We can live in a cleaner environment."

"Fight pollution."

"Come on, save our earth!"

"Hey ladies what's up?" Zack greeted the three girls.

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