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|The Purple Ranger|
|Chapter Two: Metamorphosis|
|Third Person|

|The Purple Ranger||Chapter Two: Metamorphosis||Third Person|

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"Great. He could have sent us back into town." Kimberly said as we all continued to walk further away from the command center.

"What a weird day." Amelia spoke.

"Guys, we shouldn't have left. I mean he chose us to save the world. I say we do it."

"I agree with Jason. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity." Amelia spoke agreeing with Jason.

"Do you really think we can?"

"Hey guys, you don't even know what you're talking about. We talked to a giant floating head." Zack said, he caught up with Jason to speak to him. Zack nudged at Jason. Jason looked at him weird.

"What?" He whispered.

"Since we're away without any interruption. Now is your chance to ask Amelia out."

"Now? Zack I know your intentions are good and all buddy but we are in the middle of a crisis."

"Look man, I know how much you like her. Go for it. I think she likes you too." Jason looks at Amelia has her back is facing him, Jason just smiles.

"You think so?" Jason asked Zack.

"I see the way she looks at you man. She's got a crush on you dude. Ask her out, it wouldn't hurt if you try." Jason nervously plays with his fingers wondering what to say to Amelia.

Amelia noticed that something was bothering Jason, she stood behind to make sure he was alright.

"Hey. You okay?" Amelia asked. Suddenly Jason became extremely nervous.

"Yeah I'm okay. I actually wanted to ask you something." Jason was slowing down so that everyone else was away ahead.

"Yeah sure. What it is Jason?"

"Amelia I-" Rita used her want to shot beam at them.

"Everyone down!" Everyone nearly fell on the floor.

"What was that?" Trini asked as Billy picked her up from the ground. Jason also helped Amelia picking her up from the ground.

"I don't know, but we're not alone. Look!" Amelia pointed out a group of putties surrounding them.

Kimberly screamed as two putties grabbed her. Amelia was close to Jason but three putties grabbed her taking Amelia away from Jason.

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