Star Cluster

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'Reckon you can get up there?' Nelson asked, as he started to listen to the stream. It was a steep climb up a hill. She marched on, but not seeing a buried rock on the ground, she tripped over her foot and yelped. A small twist of her ankle, but enough to really pinch her. Nelson swiftly came running, stumbling over himself in a sense of urgency... he swiftly put her arm around him, seeing that she was limping ever so slightly. 'You're hurt. Let me help?'

Modestly, she shook him off. 'It's nothing.'

'Mya, you're limping. That's not nothing.'

Nelson looked really worried about Mya, even though he knew her injury was small. He shook his head, why did he care so much about her? They had only just met but... he couldn't keep his eyes off her.

'My mother had a bracelet of rose gold. Your hair reminds me of it.' He started with small talk, hoping this would ease the pain of her ankle, as she leaned on him for support. He took her to a rock, and let her rest, turning to the stream, and filling up their bottles with the fresh water.

'I have a tattoo of a star cluster, it's the one my farther always looked too.' She admitted, breaking the silence.

'Yes, your farther who loved your plans.' Nelson admitted, but then he squinted, his cover had been broken... she took water from him, and drank, but the questions didn't arrive... maybe she hadn't heard him?

'What cluster is it?' Nelson asked.

'The north star, my farther always told me that my mum followed the North star. It was her star. It's the only thing I have of her.'

'Wow...' Nelson whispered, taking a seat next to her. 'The last thing I remember was a kiss... so your mother is gone too?'

'Yes,' she whispered, 'my mother is gone... I was fighting with my ma' this morning. I talk to her. When I see a storm coming, I picture it's her anger. Or when I find rest, I picture her saying I've done enough to earn rest... it's stupid.' She took off her hat, 'we were both showing our anger to the sea.'

His eyes caught a glimpse down to her hand, with the rings reflecting the sun.

He reached out his hand and placed it on her. 'We've both have monsters in our past...' he admits, and he hears Mya laughing.

'That's the most serious thing I've heard you say.'

He liked that it was making her feel better, so he continued, 'I don't remember what my mother looked like, but I do remember that she loved me.'

Mya punched him in the arm, 'you must have had a soft mother, raising you like a marshmallow.'

'Ow.' He exaggerated.

'Man-up Nelson, your marshmallow!' She cackled as she started tickling him again.
He giggled, 'try... saying that again--- ha-ha and see where it gets you sweetheart!'

They didn't stop for a minute, and suddenly their conversations became lighter. Nelson had guessed right, she just needed to be brought out of her shell.

'You're the little sailor I saved from walking the plank?' she said and nudged him.

'I am and turns out I do have the chance of becoming an admiral...' he smiled, 'my crew are currently missing though, something about resigning. I'm sure I'll get them back.'

'Don't stop chasing your dreams, Admiral.' She gave him an awkward side hug, feeling so comfortable around him.

'How's your ankle?' He asked, and she moved it around with ease.

'It seems to be all better.' She smiled, he noticed her wincing a little when she stood again, but shortly walked it off as they headed back to the beach. Nelson had filled the bottles with water and returned the soon empty glasses to his rowboat.

They both watched the men hard at work, and Nelson cheekily got a splash of water on Mya. He laughed as he'd splashed her, and she turned as dark as a thunderstorm. She took off her boots and went down to the shallows with Nelson. They both splashed against each other, getting both of their clothes soaked right through.

'THIS IS NOT RIGHT!' Mya said, as she pinned down Nelson in the shallow water, 'Why are you acting like such a child?'

Nelson swiftly retaliated, 'Because it's fun!' Mya splashed him in reply.

After an hour of playing in the shallows, and getting completely soaked, Mya got out and hung her top layer of clothes to dry. Nelson did the same, thankfully they hadn't gone in with their coats and shoes. 

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