New discoveries

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As the boat pulled up to the dock,
Y/N breathed a sigh of relief. The group had been traveling for what felt like—at least to Y/N—days, and he was more than ready to get off the boat and onto solid ground.

Y/N and the others hopped off the boat and onto the concrete dock, stretching their legs and taking in their new surroundings. In the short distance, a white plane with two black stripes running along its body sat alone in a large concrete clearing.

The group followed each other to the plane and explored around and under it, checking for any abnormalities or possible threats. Now, everyone other than Trish was outside the turtle.

Giorno reached his hand up to one of the large wings on the plane before calling out

"I'm not picking up any foreign life forms. There's not even so much as a cockroach on here."

Bucciarati, who was under the plane, called back

"That's good. You're to keep everything away from this plane; living or otherwise. Once we take off, we'll be flying at nearly 800kph. Luckily for us, it'll be impossible for a user to give chase. So, if you're all ready, start boarding.

Narancia, abbacchio, and Bucciarati were the first to head inside, while Giorno, Mista, and Y/N all stayed outside.

"Hey, who are you? Stay right where you are!"

Y/N randomly yelled. Mista gasped, watching as his radar picked up the breathing of a fast moving figure, which everyone assumed was what Y/N was yelling at

Mista and Giorno turned their heads to see a strange looking man. His pants were unzipped, and he had strange pink hair, as well as gloves and a deep red shirt.

"Hey, did you not hear him!? Don't take this the wrong way, I'm sure you're a perfectly nice guy, but if you keep skulking around this plane I'm gonna have to gun your ass down!"

Mista threatened. The strange man didn't pause or slow down even for a moment. His quick footsteps only gained speed. Mista raised his gun and aimed it, shouting another warning at him. The man smirked, prompting mista to shoot his leg without hesitation. The man fell to his hands and knees, looking up at the three with a weirdly creepy expression.

A dark red figure with something covering its eye and half of its face emerged next to the man. In an instant, his face was full of the lead of mistas bullets. He fell backwards and the stand disappeared just as quickly as it came. Everyone stood in silence for a moment, before narancia spoke up.

"..his breathing stopped. Looks like he was the only one.?"

He called while scanning his radar. Y/N squinted before taking a few steps closer to the strange man.

"Forget it Y/N, that idiots history"

Mista called from behind him. Y/N sighed and nodded slowly, as if contemplating.

"Yes, it's obvious that he's dead, but why would he just come right up to us without having a way to defend himself? You'd think his stand would have done something to protect him if it could right? So if his stand ability isn't defensive then it must have been offensive but if he knew that why would he come directly to us!?"

Y/N groaned and rubbed his eyes, looking down at the man in an almost pitying way. Giorno walked behind Y/N and placed a hand on his shoulder, pulling him back a bit from the man.

"I know it doesn't make sense, but we've gotta get going. We can think about it while we're flying."

He offered. Y/N nodded and followed him to the boarding stairs. There were ten seats on the plane. Giorno and mista both took the front most seats, while Trish—who was now out of the turtle—and Bucciarati sat in the second to last.

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