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after i drop Hani at her dorm, i went to my dorm. the others are eagerly waiting for me. i don't know why, their expression seems to be kind of weird. and i was right, after i put my stuff into my room. the members went crazy and start asking me some question.

"hyung, why didn't you tell me?!" Tao ask me angrily

"why do you keep this thing a secret?" Chanyeol ask me carefully

"wait, wait i don't even understand what are you talking about"

"oh come on we already know, don't hide it anymore" Suho said calmly

"okay tell me what is it then i'll explain to you, i don't even know what are you guys talking about"

"you're dating one of EXID member aren't you?"said Kai with a weird expression

"Hani right?" Baekhyun ask straightfully

"what? wait, hold on. who said that? i ask them

"manager hyung came home alone, and i ask him where are you. and he said you went home with Hani. but why did you get back this late, so we think you had a date first with her before going home. right?" Chanyeol explained

"okay, okay first i'm not dating anyone, second i got home with Hani that's right it's because her manager wants to come to the after party but Hani feels kind of sick, so said i will drop her home third i came home late because we both haven't eat anything, so i treat her for dinner and went straight here"

they freeze and didn't say anything. i mean it's the truth.

"so you're not dating?" finally Sehun break the silence

"i'm not dating anyone right now, i mean it"

"hey guys can i talk to Xiumin for a second?" our manager finally called me, what a relief

"oh sure hyung" D.O finally said something

i got up and walk towards my manager

"what is it hyung?"

"the magazine loves your connection with Hani, and they want you to get some more photos with Hani"

"oh really? when is it?"

"tomorrow evening, get ready this will take a long time. you're going to have the photoshoot in Jeju island"


"nde, get ready now"

"ye hyung"

i'm going to Jeju island? what a surprise! photoshoot with Hani again? is it going to be an intimate photoshoot again or something? ah let's just see tomorrow

"hyung, why are you packing your clothes?" Lay ask me

"i'm going to Jeju island tomorrow for some photoshoot"

"really? with who?"

"nde, manager hyung said i'm going to do the photoshoot with Hani again"

"oh really hyung? you must be really happy, Hani's really pretty"

"yup she is pretty"

"okay hyung go sleep so tomorrow you have some energy"



my manager said i will be going to Jeju island fot some photoshoot with Xiumin oppa, i'm really nervous! i kind of like him a bit now. but i don't think he's interested in me. is it going to be an intimate shoot again? i'm really nervous right now

"Hani, are you ready?"

"nde, manager oppa, i'm ready"

"okay let's go"

i finally went to Jeju island, when i arrive Xiumin oppa is waiting while sitting on a chair. i greet him while waving my hand and went to him.

"anyeong oppa"

"oh anyeong Hani, did you just arrive?"

"nde i just arrive a few minutes ago"

"oh really, are you tired? we are going to do the photoshoot right now"

"i'm okay, i already sleep on the way here"

"oh really?"

"Hani, Xiumin ssi let's do the make up and hair" the stylist interrupted

"oh nde"

after i'm ready, i go straight to the photoshoot place, and wait for Xiumin oppa there.

"oh Hani, this photoshoot is going to be more intimate than before, are you okay with that?" the director ask me

"nde, i'm okay with it"

"oh there is Xiumin"

"let's start the photoshoot"the director said

i wore a mini dress with a jacket on top of it, and Xiumin wears jeans and a thight shirt and some coat on top of it.

"okay Hani sit down and hug Xiumin's leg"

"now Xiumin sit down, Hani place your knee on top of Xiumin's shoulder"

"okay good, now Hani lay down and Xiumin on top looking at each other, okay good. now your nose! it should be touching each other!"

"okay PDnim"

*a few hours later*

"okay good job!"


after the photoshoot ends Hani and Xiumin change and the crew held a party, but both Xiumin and Hani didn't want join. Hani went to the beach and Xiumin sees her so he followed her


"oh oppa, what are you doing here?aren't you at the party?"

"i was just walking around the beach and i saw you, i'm not in a good mood for some party"

"why aren't you in a good mood?"

"i'm kind of tired after my comeback"

"oh yeah? it's okay oppa, i will support you!"

"thankyou Hani"

"you're welcome oppa"

they stay quiet for some time


"nde wae?

"do you want to play something?"

"what? chasing each other and the loser have to carry each the other one to their room"

"can you even carry me?"

"of course! are underastimating me right now?"

"no i'm not i was just asking"

"okay let's start i'm goin to chase first!"

"okay 1... 2.... 3.... GO"


Hani chases Xiumin and finally she got him but she trip and fall right above Xiumin


want to know what happen next? please vote and comment!


i'm really sorry for the typo

something differentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang