CHAPTER 14 - it's crazy

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"so there's still a chance for me, right?" what. the. fuck. kai.



"uhh.. what are saying right now jongin ah. don't joke around right now seriously" i'm literally going to explode anytime soon. like seriously. why did he say that. I confesses to her just now and he said that? god.

"no i'm not joking right now. i'm serious, really serious." what the hell kai?!

"then are you going to end our friendship just like that? I confessed just now. and you easily said you want her too?!" I said angrily

"you were the one who lied to us remember? don't you blame me for anything. I didn't even mention anything about ending our friendship." wtf

"hey stop!" hani yelled

"don't end your friendship just because of me! are you crazy?! I don't want to see you guys fight because of me. and you kai! he confesses to me just now and you easily ask if you still have a chance?you want know the answer?" oh no please hani. don't say he still have a chance...

"I would love to know" kai said while smirking

"no, the answer is no kai. I like Minseok oppa. so please hide you feelings for me. move on. and just by seeing your face I knew you're just a player." oh god! such a relieved

the situation became really awkward right now. I can see kai's face became really dark and disappointed

"uhh, i'm going first with hani okay? you guys can go home on your own right?" I said breaking the silence

"ne hyung we can go home on our own" chanyeol answered me

"okay then"


god. minseok oppa confesses to me right now. i'm going crazy. and now we're going to go home together. how awkward. 

"hani?" oh no what to do

"uhhm ne oppa?"

"uhh about before..." no he's going to make the situation more awkward

"you were joking right oppa? you were just convincing them, right?" please say yes please..

"no hani.. I mean it.. I like you.. I love you.. even though we only met a view times.. at first I thought it was some weird feelings. but the more I deny, the more it grows" oh my god!!! he loves me! he really loves me! what am I suppose to do...

"uhh actually.." stop hani! ahn heeyeon! stop talking

"actually what?" okay breath hani.. let's just speak the truth rather than lying and hurt him

"actually i like you too" I said it.. and minseok oppa already had this really happy face

"but" his face turned kind of sad.. argh I can't stand seeing his sad face..

"but what hani?" he asked me impatiently

"but.. I don't love you" he looks like he's about to cry seriously

"yet.." I said again, he's face turn a bit brighter

"so I still have chance right?"

"well yeah.."

"okay listen here Ahn Heeyeon, even though you don't love me yet, I will make you fall in love with me. I will never give up on you no matter what happen, okay?" he said, oh god how sweet!

"ne oppa!" I said excitedly

"you know it's pretty awkward back at the restaurant" duhh! it's very awkward

"yeah.. you know after you confesses to me, and kai was like so I still have chance right? I was like -is this person crazy or something-"

"I was so angry I almost punch him really" what? punch him?

"punch him?"

"yeah.. I was so angry when he said that, even though we don't look close. we're actually the closest one among the members, that's why i'm angrier"

"maybe he felt betrayed by you, you know cause you're both really close"

"yeah maybe.. I was getting out of control too"

"you should explain everything to him, so he will understand the situation"

"I will, maybe later at the dorm.."

"i'm gonna need to ask my member about the situation before, I mean they literally sneak on us."

"i'm going to do that as well"

"yeah you said they're the one who recommend the place right?"

"uh huh, they seriously ruined our date"

"hey stop!" I said because we already passes my house. I ask hik to drop me at my house not my dorm, so the members can't ask me any question

"oh god, i'm sorry I didn't realize we're here already"

"ne, it's fine oppa. uhh do you want to get in first?" I asked, I mean I don't want to be rude or something

"I don't think so, I don't want your parents to ask me any question. i'm not ready yet"

"they're not home, they're on a vacation"



"ah really? then i'll come" I don't want to lost the opportunity to make her fall in love with me

"okay... let's go"

we walk while of course wearing our face mask and cap, then we arrived at her house. we came in, her house is tidy and nice

"you have a nice house" I said

"thanks, me and my family live here for since birth"


"yeah there are a lot memories here in this house"

"that's cool"

"thanks, by the way do you want some hot chocolate?"

"yeah sure, it would be great" I said and start siting in facing her balcony

"here" hani said while handing me a glass of hot chocolate

"thanks, it's a beautiful view up here"

"yeah I know, every time I came home I always sit here. reading and listening to music" it feels kind of a romantic

I glanced at her, she's sleeping. I pit her heads on my shoulder on slowly my eyes are getting heavier and fell a sleep


what will happen the next morning?

i'll give you hint:

it's a secret


as I said I will only update once a week or maybe sooner if I have time. I'm really sorry because I started school already

don't forget to vote and comment! thanks!!!

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