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Izuku was just closing the door to his dorm when he hears  "DEKUUUUU" Shouted down the very narrow halls. Knowing it is his childhood best friend, Kacchan, he quickly hurries down the hall toward the voice. 

Once he reaches the end of the hallway, he sees Kacchan striding toward him. 

"Deku! Where were you? We are going to be late!" the blonde boi says, finally reaching the shorter boy-- after the writer of this story took a break even though its only been like a paragraph since she started writing--

"Ah! Sorry Kacchan! I slept in accidently!"(A/N someone tell me how to spell this frickin word PLEASE) Izuku gushed out, waving his hands around. 

Katsuki tsked and began walking toward Class 1A. "Next time set more alarms, I was waiting for you in the common room for about a half hour!" 

Izuku sighed and tried to keep up. 

He never knew why Kacchan insisted on walking with him to class but it sorta became a habit as time went on. He used to walk with Uruaka but then she got together with Iida and now she walked with him. It sorta seemed like a couple thing now that he thought about it. The walking together somewhere thing, not the- ah nevermind. 

Izuku looked over at his Kacchan to find the blonde's gaze already on him. "What's wrong Kacchan?" he asked, looking down at his feet to watch the rock he let fly fall into some bushes to the right of the two. 

"Nothing, Nerd" came the short reply. Not surprising. Kacchan barely let anyone see the emotions he buried deep inside. Izuku wished Kacchan would share them with him, but so far, the blonde hadn't given any intention of doing so. 

A few more minutes of awkwuard (A/n this one too pls!) silence later, the two finally reached their classroom. Heading on inside, they were met with the loud clamor of voices filling the room. Their friends didn't seem to notice them until Mina finally looked over and gave a giant gasp. 

"MIDORYIA! BAKUH*E" she yelled, darting forward and squashing them both into a rib cracking hug. "Finally your here! We were just talking about you!" she gushed, pulling them toward the giant group of friends against their will. 

Just when everyone began to talk again, Aizawa stride into the classroom "Okay everyone take a seat. Let's begin our lesson" 

At those words everyone obeyed and scurried to their seats. 

A/N Sorry its so short- But I wrote this with writers block- I'm not gonna be able to write long chapters in this story- Or post often- sorry guys! But I hope you liked this! Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments! Again writers block is keeping me from coming up with ideas- PLEASE GIVE MEH SUGGESTIONS! Okay have a good morning/night! DRINK WATER AND MAKE SURE TO EAT! Love ya bai!

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