Time for dying

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                  Izuku wasn't sure what time he woke up by, but it was somewhere between... lets say between the reviving and the torture. 
                  He was still laying in his bed, staring up at the ceiling and questioning himself on whether he should get up or go back to sleep to avoid a whole other day of pain and suffering. 
                  It wasn't like he had any class today anyway. He was supposed to go hang out with his squad at two o'clock and he wasn't really feeling it. 
                  He wondered what Kacchan was doing. Probably hanging with Kirishima~Kun or Kaminari~Kun. He wished he could hang out with them. But he didn't think that would be a wise move on his part. What with Kacchan always raring to kill him and all. It was pretty much a battle with villains every time they stood in the same room together. 
                  Sighing, Izuku rolled over and lazily got to his feet to head into his dorm bathroom. After getting ready for the day, he stumbled his way down the dorm building stairs and into the kitchen. To his surprise, Kacchan was there sitting at the island drinking a cup of tea. 
                   "Morning, Kacchan!" he called cheerily, cheeks turning pink at the sight of the other boy with only work out shorts on. The island blocked most of the view of his chest, but Izuku was able to see just enough to turn his face crimson. 
                   "Morning..." the sleepy boy replied, not yet awake. Kacchan very slowly reached over to grab hold of his mug of tea and quietly took a sip. His eyes were closed due to the fact he was still very much in a sleep-drunken state and wasn't completely himself. 
                    "How are you this morning, Kacchan?" the very much awake Izuku asked happily, ignoring the fact his Kacchan was half asleep. He knew he'd probably have the normal-est conversation with him in this state then he would in Kacchan's usual attitude. 
                     "Like crap... Dunce face and Crappy-Hair kept me up most of the night.." the blonde boy said, his head sinking foward before popping back up. 
                      Izuku was making his own mug of tea and paused while he was pouring in the water. "How long did they keep you up for?" 
                       Kacchan sighed and leaned his head on his arms, resting his cheek against his forearm. "They wanted to play games.. begged me... and I caved.. worst mistake of my life"
                       Izuku hide his smile by turning back to his cup of simmering water and added the tea bag. "Well, did you have fun at least?" 
                       "I guess..." 
                      That wasn't a no. 
                       Izuku stayed silent as he finished doctoring his tea and came to sit across his Kacchan. "Are you going to be able to stay awake?"
                      At that immediate responce, Izuku burst out laughing. Kacchan, for all the good in him, was always honest. It was something Izuku could always count on. It made him happy even. He knew if it were something important, he could always trust Kacchan's word. 
                      "What're you laughin' at, nerd?" as he spoke, Kacchan's words slurred and ran over themselves. It was the cutest thing Izuku had ever heard. 
                      "Nothing Kacchan. Absolutely nothing!" Izuku said, grinning. 
                       Kacchan, clambered to his feet and brought his mug to the sink. After rinsing it out and placing it in the dish washer, he made his unsteady way to the door. 
                       "Where are you going, Kacchan?" Izuku called after him, getting to his own feet and hurriedly repeating the process of his Kacchan. 
                        "Going back to bed, why?" 
                        "Want company?" Izuku had no idea what made him ask, all he can hope for now was that Kacchan didn't decide to blow him up.
                         What. Just. Happened.
                          Izuku was dying. 
                          It was time for dying. It was the only explanation. 
                          His Kacchan did NOT just accept the invitation for company IN HIS OWN DORM. 
                          Not possible.
                          Izuku followed Kacchan mutely up the stairs and into the blonde boys dorm and awkwardly sat down on the desk chair. It was actually happening!
                          Kacchan laid down flat on the bed and curled into a ball. It was like he was trying to make himself smaller. Like he thought if he did he could avoid the cruelness of the world. 
                          Well those thoughts got dark real fast...
                          Izuku waited a few seconds in silence before daring to speak. 
                          "Can I... join you?
                          And that's how they spent the rest of their day. Lying in bed together, sleeping peacefully.


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