Locked In

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A few days later, after some very stressful training sessions with All might. Izuku was just coming down the hall from his class when a student came barreling out of a classroom and shoved him into another, vacant, one. 

"Hey! That-" Izuku started but was cut off by the door slamming closed. With a squeak, he bolted forward and tried to turn the knob. But unfortunately, it was locked. 

What was he to do now? 

Izuku tried using his quirk to rip the door off but the quirk wouldn't even activate. 

What the heck was going on? 

Before he could try to kick the door, he heard footsteps from out in the hall again. 

"Hey! Someone help! I'm stu-" he was interrupted by a very familiar yell. 

"YOU GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME EXTRA!" His Kacchan yelled. Izuku's cheeks immediately turned a slight pink at the thought of the blonde boy. Oh how he wished Kacchan didn't hate him. 

Just then, the door opened and in flew the blonde boy with such force he landed all the way across the the other side of the room. Before either boy could react, the door slammed shut again. Izuku could hear the  click of the bolt as it was locked. 

"Kacchan! Are you okay?" he cried, running over the the blonde boy and looming over him. Fortunately, the boy in question appeared to only have sustained a wounded ego. 

"Of course I am, dumb nerd! What are you doing here?" the red eyed boy asked, rubbing the back of his head with a wince. 

"Well just before you flew in here, I was shoved in here" Izuku summarized quickly, looking at the other boy with concern. "are you sure your alright Kacchan?"

"Yes I'm fine.. go away" Bakugou growled, leaning back against the wall. "we might as well get comfortable. We might be here awhile." 

Izuku, deciding to follow his Kacchan's suggestion, sat down beside him and stretched his short legs as far as they would go. 



They sat in silence until both fell asleep. 

~To be continued~

A/U TIME FOR SOME SPICE! I'm sorry for the wait! I've got a job and I needa work! SOOOOO I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CLIFF HANGER! CYA IN THE NEXT UPDATE!

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