Chapter 10

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I am severely scared of heights.

The entire flying out to the show thing was so cool in the moment but this shit had me weak in the knees.

I shook my leg the entire time I sat in the airport not at all ready to get on a plane. Luckily I would be seated right next to Lindsey in a fight that wasn't at all full.

I decided I would eat a couple melatonin gummies and knock out on the flight.

As soon as we boarded my anxiety skyrocketed and I fidgeted with my fingers the entire thirty minutes between boarding and take off. 

Much to my demise Lindsey found the entire thing funny. She watched me squirm in my seat and she was not afraid to laugh about it.

I just couldn't understand how everyone else wasn't terrified. I mean getting on a flying bus is possibly one of the scariest things in the world.

As the plane began to take off I gripped both armrests. Lindsey was in the window seat and she insisted on having the window shade up. It was a struggle to not look out. I tried not to but it was so hard but looking at our ascent made me even more scared than before.

She recorded the entire thing. Looking back I might've been a little dramatic because in the video I look like I went through all seven stages of grief.

Taking off wasn't even the worst part, because we flew over a storm and had some turbulence. The plane felt like it was having a panic attack right with me and that just made everything worse.

You know how you get on a rollercoaster or even when you're just driving down a hill and you get that dropping feeling in your stomach. That's how I felt each time the plane suddenly jerked down.

All this and I still have to go through it again on the way back.

When we finally got off the death trap we ordered an uber to the hotel we'd stay in for the next two days.

It was the 25th so we had all the time to explore Chicago before seeing them perform.

The first thing we did was sleep. There's just something about hotel beds that makes me more tired than normal and I was still feeling the effects of the melatonin and as soon as we got into bed we were both knocked.

I was awoken by my ringtone playing loudly in my ear.

Kehlani's name was across my screen and I picked it up immediately.

"Hey, what's up?"

"You were supposed to call when you landed." She said sternly.

"Damn I can't get a hi or nothing?" I laughed.

"No, because I texted you and you didn't answer." 

I looked at my notifications and of course there were five texts.

"Well I'm sorry babe I was asleep." I explained while rubbing my eyes.

"Nah don't 'babe' me. You lucky you cute because we can really fight for real." She threatened.

I laughed as I sat up and hit the facetime option on the call screen.

"Trust me you don't want those problems." I said when she answered the facetime call.

"What problems I'll give you work bro." She said, deepening her voice. I smiled at her and got out of bed trying not to wake Lindsey who was in the other bed next to me. I walked out of the room and into the "kitchen."

She was doing her make up trying to cover her bruises and I could tell she was getting a little emotional while looking at her bruised cheek so I decided I'd try and lighten the mood.

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