03. Who are you?

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"You goin' come with us" Daryl asks after a couple seconds of silence."I-I don't know" I say quietly. "Please just see Carl, a-and your sister Judith" Rick says, seeming out of breath.


I regretted it as soon as I said it. God what am I thinking? I'm dead weight to them and they're dead weight to me. We don't need each other. And I sure as hell don't need them.

"Come on" Daryl says quietly. Setting his arm out, either for me to grab it or for me to walk ahead of him. I just brush past him, walking the way I came.

What am I doing, what am I doing. What am I thinking. What's even going on. What if this is just some twisted dream. What if they aren't even real. What if they have changed and they are actually just gonna kill me then eat me. What if-

"Cathrine?" I hear carol say as I come into view of the camp. Shit no turning back now. Maybe I could turn back. I could outrun them right. Maybe I'm just hallucinating from lack of water and food.

"Hey carol" I say sheepishly, letting out an awkward laugh. Like I was being a scolded child. Like I was in trouble. I shouldn't feel that way right?

I hear footsteps coming towards me. Carl. I feel arms rap around me. I look up slightly seeing Carl, and that god damn sheriff hat. Out of instinct i hug him back, softly. Been a while since I've been hugged. Been a while since
I've even seen a human. I feel a small hand on my arm. I look down seeing a baby. My sister, my baby sister. "Hi" I whisper to both of them.

"Your alive" he whispers into my hair, the baby strapped to his chest. "H-how are you alive" he asks, pulling away from the hug. "I stayed at the farm, after you guys left. Waiting for you to come back for me. But soon I ran out of food and water so I had to leave. Killed most of the walkers with the knife Hershel left in the kitchen. Then I looked for you guys" I explain, leaving out the part where I gave up. Even though I haven't seen them in about a year, I still remember all the names vividly.

"They'll come back for me right" i say. Mostly to the voices in my head but just if anyone was listening I wanted them to hear me. I sat on the floor of the house.

"I'm-im running out of food. Mom and dad wouldn't leave me here right?" I feel tears brimming my eyes. No. Don't cry. Shane said that only the weak cry. You can't cry. That would be unfair to him.

"I shot him, Shane, only time I've ever used a gun. And my last. I promise I will never use a gun again Shane" I say, looking up to the sky.

"I have to respect you, it's the least I can do"


I look around at the crowd, some new faces some old.

"T-this is Judith- our sister I named her after our third grade teacher. You remeber her? I always thought Judith was a nice name" Carl rambles looking down at the baby.

"You have a gun?" A dark skinned women asks, cutting Carl off making me glare at her. (Sasha) "I don't have a gun"
"So you've been surviving off your knife this whole time? Bullshit" she fires back. I shift my stance, slightly tilting my head and racing my eyebrows slightly. "I had a crossbow but I lost it when I left terminus"

Yes, I went to terminus. I know I said groups weren't my thing, terminus is a main reason why they aren't my thing, but it was a couple months ago when I went. That's when I did groups. Back when I was lonely and hungry.

"Terminus?" A Latina looking women asks. (Rosita) "Yeah. If you guys are planning on going I wouldn't. They're cannibals" i state bluntly. "We just left there. Left it on fire flooded by walkers" the dark skinned women says again. "Who are you exactly?" I say, it came out rudely even though I meant to say it in a nice way. I shouldn't have added the exactly but no turning back now.

"Who are you" a different dark skinned women fires back at me.(michonne) 

"Cathrine grimes"

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