07. Shane and... cuddling?

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07. Shane and... cuddling?

I stare at him. My father. The man who held me when I cried. The man who would dance with me at daddy daughter dances.

He stares at Judith, who's in his arms sleeping. We got rid of the herd following us, Rick came up with this plan. But Sasha decided to waste most of our bullets by just shooting the walkers with her giant ass gun with a silencer on it. We are now eating dogs. Yes, dog. Three dogs came out of the woods, and before any of us could do anything Sasha shot them. Dog meat wasn't the best but you have to take what you can get in the middle of an apocalypse.

Carl sat next to Rick, looking at Judith as well. I wonder if Rick ever looked at me the way he looks at judith. He probably didn't because he was too busy holding Carl, since Carl was born first. Two minutes older than me, but I lied to him and told him that I'm the twin who's two minutes older. So now any chance I get, I brag that I'm the older sibling even though I'm not.

I look down at my hands, they are now dirty from the blood, dog meat, and dirt. Sitting next to me was Glenn and Maggie on one side, Maggie was fast asleep leaning on Glenns shoulder, and on the other side was Scott. Scott was busy scarfing down his share of dogs and Glenn was staring at the fire in front of us. Once again the group was all circled around a small fire.

My eyelids become very heavy. I can't fall asleep now. Not with so many people awake. I'll just go for a walk, maybe almost get eaten by a walker. Yeah, that will keep me awake.

I stand up, grabbing my backpack, all side conversations stop as everyone who's still awake looks at me.

"I'll be back" I say bluntly, and quietly. I take a step towards the woods, but get stopped by the sound of Rick's voice, "No, too dark." He keeps his words short, like he doesn't want to talk but he wants to get his point through to me.

"I'll be fine"

"Sorry Catherine, you can't go out. Just try to fall asleep." He softly passes the sleeping Judith over to carl.

Who does he think he is? Maybe he used to be my father but he's not anymore, he hasn't been for a very long time.

"You're funny" I say, rolling my eyes slightly and I start walking to the woods. "Listen catherine, just sit down and try and sleep, we can talk about when you can go in the woods tomorrow" Rick says, resting his forearms on his knees.

When can I go in the woods? Nah, he doesnt get a fucking say.

"Or what rick," I start, getting annoyed "You gonna ground me? No TV for a month? That'll teach me" I sarcastically finish. I didn't have any patience for his shit. I have that shit-eating grin on my face, the mocking smile. God, how I love that smile. It shows control, power, something that I have and something that I won't let Rick takeaway.

Rick stands up, walking closer to me. Which makes me straighten up and secretly grip my knife on my waistband. People change, I mean I sure as hell have.

Rick stops, about an arm length away from me. "Sit down" He says quietly, intimidatingly. I stare at Rick, opening my mouth to say something but get cut off by Carl's voice. "Jesus Christ just sit down, both of you!"

Risk looks at carl, then back at me. He sits back down next to Carl. I was shocked, Carl has never yelled in his 14 years of living.

Carl is now standing, making me look up at him. He grew at least two inches from the last time I saw him and I havent grown at all. "I'm sick of this shit." He says, looking at me. I don't back down, I only stand taller. "You guys will always be family and I'm sick of you acting like we're strangers!" He yells. "Carl calm down" Michonne whispers to him. Rick and Michonne look at each other, Rick visibly calming down. Carl looks down at Michonne and sighs, plopping back down in his seat.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 03 ⏰

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