LXii. Healing Souls and Matching Hearts

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Storybrooke. Present-day

TRAGEDY WORKED TOGETHER with fate and smiled upon those unlucky enough to fall under its spell. Since before she was even born Erica Swan had been an instrument of fate, just something that fate seemed to laugh at and mock because that's all she has ever been to fate, a sounding board for it to throw a lifetime of tragedy at her before she was even a year old and since then the tragedy in her life has only gotten bigger and bigger until it threatened to drown her 

Erica wanted to bang her head against the table. This was getting them nowhere, they could bicker and argue about what the best cause of action but it didn't matter because Davy Jones was coming for them 

And it was all Erica's fault 

Okay, maybe it wasn't her fault per se but she still believed that she was at least partly responsible 

It had been a complicated week

Archie was shocked into speechlessness when Jaclyn first delved into how she grew up, they hadn't managed to go further than his childhood, and she broke down before they made it to the work Beckett had made her do and so Erica had put a stop to it (perhaps more forcefully than she meant to) and they had yet to go back  

But Archie did say to go maybe to the hospital and talk to a doctor there so they could prescribe Jaclyn some anti-anxiety medication and told her to take it for a week or two and see whether that made her feel any better, if it didn't they could up or down the dosage 

It was a massive adjustment for them both 

For the first few days Jaclyn retreated into herself, doing nothing much more than eating and sleeping (and even then it was a fight to get her to eat) but eventually, she managed to coax Jaclyn into eating something and Erica held her and whispered sweet nothings into her ear 

Erica was with Jaclyn through her lowest in recent times, never once leaving Jaclyn's side, even  when Jaclyn tried to blow her over with a storm of self-loathing and picking at the brand on her wrist so much that it bled to which Erica sighed and cleaned it up, lying her back on the bed in their Cabin and pulling out a sharpie and drawing silly little patterns like a semi-permanent tattoo on top of the brand -- she may not be able to get rid of it but perhaps she could've given Jaclyn at least a little bit of peace and happiness every time she looked at her 

"Perhaps I should get this done into a tattoo" Jaclyn whispered into Erica's hair, during a moment of peace between the two of them. 

Erica snorted, hands reaching up and pulling Jaclyn down so her body was on top of Erica's. It was grounding to Erica to have the weight of Jaclyn on her because for the last few days, she had felt like she had been floating off into space with nothing to grab onto ever since she revealed 

"My drawing skills are that of a toddler"

"That may be true but I'd like something of yours on my body"

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