XXiV. There's No Place Like Home

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Enchanted Forest. Present-day. 

TWISTING AND TURNING, Erica's  stomach felt like it was doing summersaults as she was sucked through the portal, she gripped onto Emma's hand and Keira's hand as hard as she could before a feeling of wanting to throw up suddenly and the three of them crash-landed into what looked like it could have been home many years ago, Erica was only just conscious long enough to see that Mary Margret had fallen through them with them and to hear a brief conversation 

"Who are they?"

"They are the ones that bought the wraith here that killed our prince"

Mulan quickly bound their hands while they were disoriented and Erica couldn't do anything because her head was pounding   

Erica woke up to being pulled around and she found she  was unable to move her hands as they were tied up with rope and she was being dragged around when a woman with shoulder-length black hair noticed that the twenty-eight-year-old blonde woman was stirring and turned to her "Don't speak if you value your tongue" 

Nodding Erica realised that the others still hadn't woke up yet and didn't wake up until they were being dragged across a rocky beach and they tried to pull out of the ropes just like Erica had but the people on the horses just seemed to ignore the struggling grunts that came from Keira, Emma and Mary Margret 

"Don't bother trying," Erica tells them, not even trying to lower her voice 

"Where are we?" Mary Margret asked looking over to the black-haired woman 

"Our home" She replied making Erica raise an eyebrow in surprise,  Didn't Regina say their land had been destroyed? But apparently, it wasn't and they had apparently fallen through to the world that people had told them were destroyed and all Erica had was a sick feeling in her gut, it could have been the after-effects of feeling the darkness from the wraith but she also had the feeling that she was going to have to fight to get back home. 

"Oh great" Keira stated rolling her eyes "I didn't want to come back here"

"What?" Mary Margret exclaimed, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter. Just know I'm not excited to be back" Keira shook her head

"How do we know we can trust you if we don't know who you are?" Emma snapped

"Oh so because we aren't in Stroybrooke now you suddenly concerned about me?" Keira asks glaring at the blonde, her usual green coloured eyes flashing gold for a moment  "Just drop the act, I know you were only civil with me because of Gemma and Mary Margret but you never liked me from the get-go"

"Quiet!" The black-haired woman hissed "Or you will all lose your tongues"

They fell into silence for the rest of the journey, silent glares were passed between the three women and Erica's mind was spinning as she felt like she was going to throw up. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened a few moments before they came to a stop in front of what looked like a campsite

* * * * *

  Enchanted Forest. Present-day.

"Are they going to be okay?" Emma asked gesturing to Mary Margret who had been knocked unconscious during the transfer to the little pit in the ground that they were placed into immediately after arriving at the campsite as well as her sister who although was sitting up still looked a little peaky and was sitting on the floor crossed legged and staring into space 

"Don't worry" The woman with curly dark brown hair assures the blonde as she takes her hand off Erica's forehead as she'd been checking whether the blonde headed woman has a fever "She'll be fine. They'll be fine"

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