❤️‍🔥 And I know my heart beats, when I am feeling all you heat ❤️‍🔥

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After we're all changed from dancing it's time for vocal practice.

I sing as well as I can, it's still not nearly as good as the others (especially Tae) but the satisfaction I get from actually making an effort is amazing, my whole body buzzes with it.

Soon everyone's getting up, why it's only been . . . 2 hours. Two hours, already! I guess time flies when you're working hard. My stomach grumbles. I look around embarrassed but nobody seems to have heard, no one is paying attention to me. I guess that's what happens when I just put my head down and work like I'm supposed to.

I am about to get up when I remember my pact with myself. I skipped breakfast but dinner would be impossible to skip completely without the other noticing or offending Jin-hyung so I must skip lunch. I sit back down.

Jungkook lingers by the door.

"I'll be there in a second. I just want to get this one part." I lie.

"Come on Jungkook-ah! They're serving udon in the cafeteria today, if we go we can get in line first." Taehyung says

Jungkook nods excitedly and hurries out the door behind him. "Bye Jiminnie!" Not sparing a glance behind him.

My face feels hot and tears well up in my eyes. I fight them down. Why should I be crying, this is what's supposed to happen right? Jungkook deserves someone like Tae.

I push the feelings down, I'm wasting my time here doing nothing, being useless. I hit the play button for the track and get to practising. After what seems like no time at all the track stops. What? I have it on a loop.

"Park Jimin!" It's Jin-hyung, with Namjoon-hyung right behind him. "What are you doing?"

His intensity scares me, I fight down tears again wondering why I have too, I'm not usually this weak. "I was practising hyung." I tell him.

"Practising! Through lunch break!" Oh no I can tell he's about to start rapping . . .

"But you need to eat, you've been dancing since 5:00 AM and you probably didn't even have a proper breakfast. How disrespectful to yourself and to me not to have the food I make every morning. You won't be healthy if you don't eat, you'll die! Do you want to die?"

I look down "No, hyung I just was-"

The technician comes in. "Alright, I hope you had a yummy lunch, it's time to do the test recording. We can try the beats Namjoon-ssi was talking about earlier.

Earlier, I wonder? I was so focused on my part I didn't hear that.

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