☙ But I still want you ❧

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I'm still shocked at Jimin wanting to take his part out of the song. Is he thinking about leaving the group? He would have told me . . . Right?


~ T ~ I ~ M ~ E ~ ~ ~ S ~ K ~ I ~ P ~

It's been two weeks since Jimin first went to the studio early and he's been doing it everyday since. He's been working so hard. He's amazing but I hardly ever get to spend time with him anymore. We are of course with each other all the time but we're not really focusing on eachother (for me it's hard not to focus on him) he's been so focused on work these days and we haven't gone on a date in so long.

Most of the time he doesn't eat meals with us and he comes home later so tired that he ends up falling asleep on the couch. I understand working hard but this, this is too much. I miss him. I miss my mochi. (Yeah that's right ARMY, he's mine! Are you jealous?)

I wake up as usual, stupidly hopeful that he'll be there, actually resting, with me. And as usual it's only me. I head aimlessly toward the kitchen where Jin and Hobi-hyung cook breakfast. (Namjoon-hyung was banned from the kitchen years ago)

We eat together, the hyungs chat and Tae smiles sympathetically at me. I sigh trusfratedly I want to do something for Minnie. Then I get the idea.

"Hey it's Minnie's birthday in two days, why don't we throw him a surprise party?"


"That's a great idea."

"We should have enough time to get a cake made."

The hyungs are all in agreement and the plan is set. We won't breathe a word of this to Jimin, he'll be so surprised.

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