Leading by Example

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"Okay, Wild Card, spill it. What's the big plan, hmm?" Ms Granada asked him.

"Well, the plan was to get me close enough to you to turn you into the dumbest alien that ever existed." He waved his hands magically and gasped "No way! My powers finally worked."

One of the guards behind her started laughing "Keep laughing and I'll blast you right back to Ogima." She threatened.

She looked back at Wildcard "We have ways of getting the truth out of you, you know."

"That'd be a first." Wildcard said with a laugh.

"Ha!" the guard joined in but the glare from Ms Granada shut him uo again.


"We only have six minutes left!" Missy exclaimed looking at the slow moving clock.

"Not a problem. Not a problem." Wheels assured them "All I have to do is reprogram the rocket's main contr..."

Suddenly a flash of light and the main control panels on the rocket was blocked. "What is that? Maybe it's a..."

"A force field?" Grace asked "No, no, no, we were so close!"

"But there's no one here but us. Who did this?" Noodle asked confused.

"I did." Ojo said. Wheels turned to the girl in surprise "Ojo, did you just talk?"

"I could always talk." she explained "I simply chose to observe and listen instead. And what I heard was chaos, dysfunction, disharmony... just like your parents."

"But that's not true. We were working together." Grace told her.

"Were you?" Ojo asked looking around "Then where's Wild Card?"

"That's a good question." Grace asked then she yelled out "Hey, Card. Are you in the ship's control room yet?"

"I sure am." Wildcard said "Just like we planned, Gracie."


"Ignore him. That's some kind of trick. I have Wild Card right here. Don't I?" Ms Granada said, she studied Wildcard's face.

It began to shift and turn back into Face maker "Boo!" he managed to scare the guards and Granada "Wow. I gave this plan 50-to-1 odds at best, but you fell for it hook, line, and sinker."

"We got the one with the useless superpower?" Granada said,

"Got you far away from the control centre, didn't it?" he asked mischievously.

"Go to the control centre, now!" Ms Granada ordered as they all ran "Go, go. Go! Go!"


"You were working together?" Ojo asked surprised.

"Surprise!" Missy said with a smile "We even sent him on a secret mission. Isn't that right, Wild Card?"

"Yep!" he replied "And when the team leader tells you to do something, you hop to it."

"Since when did you accept Missy as the leader?" Ojo asked confused

"Since the tunnel..." he told her "when she and Grace told me you were an alien spy."

"Ojo's an alien spy?" the group asked

"Yep. Ojo's a spy." Missy confirmed.

"You knew. How'd you figure it out?" she asked curiously.

"You accidentally gave it away in one of your own drawings." Missy told her "Your art never lies."

"She's an alien spy. Holy... doo doo." Noodles cried out.

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