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Park Jun-Min 박준민

Position: Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Visual

Birthday: May 24, 2003

Zodiac Sign: Gemini


Nationality: Korean

He was born in Jungnang Seoul, South Korea.
Junmin was introduced as a member of KQ Fellaz 2 on August 15, 2022 alongside Minjae.
He is one of the most athletic members.
He loves playing video games, shopping, and cleaning.
He is very athletic and good at drawing.
He loves hip-hop and pop music.

 He got the dream of being an idol after a school friend showed him a singer singing live.
He has been working out lately in the gym.
He was a popular athlete in school.
 Nicknames: Ogu, Teddy - Puppy
 Modifier: Positive Energy.
 Life Motto: "Don't be afraid of mistakes and making constant challenge".

He is one of the oldest members, but also the most like a child.

He always tells the members they are too young to know anything, but his maturity level is worse than most of theirs.

He acts like a baby all the time and is always teasing every single member constantly.

He along with Yujun is the most chaotic member.

He carries chopsticks around with him on most occasions.

He knows how to juggle.

He is very loud.

He has the loudest laugh.

In his Xikers audition he said "cute just like a poodle" to explain who he is.

He came up with their official hand symbol.

He loves the Pokémon Eevee and it's because it looks like his dog named Kong, however fans and other members think he resembles Eevee as well. He also keeps a key chain of Eevee and Kong together in his bag.

He is the funniest member.

He is currently learning Japanese.

He doesn't work out much but has the best body.

Role Model: NCT Haechan & ATEEZ Wooyoung

A Intro To Xikers ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz