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Jung Yujun 정유준

Position: Vocalist, Visual

Birthday: October 5, 2005

Zodiac Sign: Libra


Nationality: Korean

- He loves listening to music, playing video games, watching videos and playing web dramas.
- Yujun was introduced as a member of KQ Fellaz 2 on August 20, 2022 alongside Yechan. They were the last two trainees to be revealed.
- He is a extremely good swimmer and has swam his whole life.
- He was an athlete in school.
- His specialty is drawing, exercising and swimming.
- Yujun is older than Hunter by only two hours. They both have the same date of birth.
- The 4 words that describe him are: active, kind, funny, and simple minded.
- He can eat the most out of the members and is always chowing down on something and never get full. On average he eats four bowls of ramen for one sitting.
- He has a very high metabolism.
- He was inspired to be an idol after he started doing school talent shows. It excited and thrilled him so much. It made him want to be a singer.
- One day while Yujun & Yechan were practicing in a vocal room the keys on the keyboard started playing by themselves, they thought it was a ghost and ran away.
- He is a gym rat, and always working out to build his stamina and muscles.
- Yujun was popular in school for being a kind and athletic guy.
- Nickname: Harry Potter (because he looks exactly like Harry Potter when he puts on bug glasses)/ Jun
- Modifier: Full of passion.

– He likes making Minjae mad.
– He is the hardest member to deal with & is constantly hyper.
– He is always doing something to anger the other members, it's not even intentional all the time.

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