Chapter 8 : Hello

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"Jinx?" Blair says
"Hey- uh- who is this?" They say. Jinx I'm assuming is there name. They look like your normal person. With normal hair, a classic adventurer outfit and glasses. Nothing strange about them.
"Jinxs you scared us! Oh and this is Esmery and Leo I found them in the woods."
"Acctualy Esmery got us lost." I say interrupting.
"So your saying you found them like sticks in the woods?" Jinx says sarcastically.
"I well I wouldn't say that-" Blair looks at me worried.
Esmery, being dumb as usual is awkwardly looking at Jinx. "Uhh do you need something?" Jinx said
"How come you don't have pointy ears like Blair, or can fly like lilly?"
"HA! Who said I can't fly, huh kid?"
Jinx pulls out a small sack from her bag and picks zomthig out of it.
"Watch and see." She blows a type of green dust on herself and she starts to float.
"WOAH! LEO ARE YOU SEEING THIS!?!?" Esmery yells in excitement
"Uh- yeah-" I say freaked out
"Show off, Jinx..." Blair said.
Jinx slowly comes back down and lands.
"Pretty cool huh?"
"UM YEAH!" Esmery yells while circling Jinx
"Pft anyone can do that." Blair says
"Aww is the baby getting jelouse~ HA!"
"Yeah right"
"You a say all you want it's clea4 in your face."
"Ugh shut upp!"
He's totally jelouse. We sit and talk with Jinx a bit more whole Blair lost Esmerys interest. "So if your not an elf what are you?" I ask. "Well kid, this might shock ya a bit since your not from around here, but im actually a..."


imagine being left on a cliff hanger again.


Why are you still reading this ...

If your down here this far ur emo



Balls >:)🧑‍🦽💨

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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