muffled screams (Sam golbach)

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It was the end of the day and I was cleaning up the coffee shop, I stayed at work a lot longer than usual because we had a team meeting.

As I walked home from work, my mind began to wander. It had been a long day at the coffee shop, the day seemed to drag on endlessly. All I wanted was to get home, kick off my shoes, and relax in the comfort of my own home.

But as I turned onto the street that led to my apartment, I heard a noise coming from one of the alleyways. Being the nosy person I am, I just had to take a look. So I cautiously approached the alleyway and hid behind a garbage bin, quietly peering around the corner.

What I saw took me completely by surprise. It was the two boys from the coffee shop this morning, along with a few other people. I squinted in the dim light, my heart racing as I realized what was happening. It looked like they were having some kind of deal or transaction, and by the looks of it, it wasn't an entirely legal one.

I gasped quietly, I'm glad no one herd it.

The conversation was clearly something important then suddenly one of the men started attacking the others.

I was shocked, the all of a sudden Colby and the girl shot 3 if the men. I shuffled back but knocked over the bin in the process. They all looked at me.


The thing that scared me most was what Colby said

"Get the fucker in the trunk now" Colby said in a menacing voice

My fight or flight instincts came in and it was definitely flight. I started running as fast as I could. No way would I be able to fight back these people.

I ran, and ran, and ran......

I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears, blood rushed though my body as adrenaline pumped through my veins.

I turned down an alleyway and I hugged the wall with my back hoping whoever was following me wouldn't see me.

It was quite for a bit, the sound of my heavy breathing filled the area.

I thought I was safe for a few seconds before someone came around the corner and pulled me to the ground and tied my hands behind my back. The person who was tieing my hands behind my back wrapped a black cloth around my mouth.

I tried to scream but all came out where muffled screams...

Solby a mafia boss storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ