Torture (Colby Brock)

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I picked up little Sammy boy and chucked him over my shoulder, I could hear his pathetic sobs and whines for mercy. But he knew the rules and he broke them so now he would have to face the consequences...

I walked into the mansion with a sobbing and whimpering Sam on my shoulder. I walked past Kat and she put a hand on my shoulder

"Go easy on him, don't kill him...he doesn't deserve what he is going through right now" Kat said this in a hushed voice so Sam couldn't hear.

For a split second I felt kinda bad for the kid. Yeah he may not fully deserve this but he broke my rules, and I am strict on my rules 

So all I did was nodded and walked of. Down....

Down into

The chambers (idk it felt cool or something btw this is future me editing)

I put Sam down on a seat as he cried and begged for mercy, I chuckled at his wimp-ness as I strapped his hands down to the chair. He looked at me. He looked at me with that look, my favourite look... A look filled with fear. 

Sam feared me and I loved every second of it~

In the chamber where a range of toture devices on the walls, knifes, nails, saw, screwdriver and so  on. But because of what Kat said I decided to keep it a bit more tame then usual and just use a knife. I grabbed a sharp sharp knife and smirked at Sam...

"Colby, please I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinking please please please" fat hot tears fell from Sam's eyes and I smiked wider 

"Please what Sam, please please please. PLEASE WHAT?"

"PLEASE DON'T HURT PLEASE" Sam cried and begged for mercy 

I frowned "Sam what did you do, let me disobeyed my rules...I asked you of one thing and that was do as I say and listen to my rules. And what did you do Sam!" 

Sam spoke in just above a whisper "disobeyed your rules" 

"Yeah you did and now your gonna face concequences" 

I walked over to Sam, knife in hand.

"Please Colby, don't do this to me" 

All I did was smile as I trace the blade along Sam's chest, then up his shoulder then his neck and across his cheek...

"Where fist Sammy, you have three options, stomach, legs, or your arms, where should I cut first HM"

Sam's eyes filled with shock when I asked him where I should cut first.

"C-Colby please don't make me choose" 

"Too bad so sad, choose where I cut!" 

Sam seems to contemplate where I should cut before he whispered out a "s-stomach"

I smile and lift up Sam's shirt stuffing the excess in his mouth as a gag or something to keep his screams down 

He looks at me in fear as I need the knife to him stomach 

And cut...

(Little Clif hanger for you all, because this is the best I can do today because my mental health is pretty bad but I hope you enjoyed and yes there is no gore but next chapter which will be in Sams pov {little spoiler for you all} but there will hopefully be pretty good blood and gore and if your not comfortable with that then just skip that chapter and there will be trigger warnings don't worry)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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