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Holi celebrations were going on full swing, suddenly nisha saw that amidst the crowd there are some mens who have guns and knives and looking at them she doubts whether they are here for celebrations or for something else, just she saw that one of that with knife was behind shivraj, was going to attack him her eyes widen in horror she shouts from there "shivraj" but with loud speaker's voice he did not hear her, so she runs towards him to make him alert.

Nisha's heart was pounding in her chest as she sprinted towards Shivraj. She could see the knife-wielding man closing in on him, and she knew she had to act fast.

Nisha: Shivraj! she screamed, hoping he would hear her over the loud music and chatter. Behind you!

Shivraj turned just in time to see the attacker lunging at him with the knife. Nisha reached him and pushed him out of the way but within no time he slits the back of shivraj and he nisha both fell on the ground with him on the top and she beneath him.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as she fell to the ground, clutching her bleeding back. The sound of gunfire echoed in the air as the other attackers started shooting into the crowd. Shivraj was frozen in shock as he watched Nisha fall. He couldn't believe what had just happened. 

Shivraj quickly reacted and managed to overpower the attackers with his martial art skills. He kicked and punched them hard, and in no time, they were lying on the ground in pain. Shivraj breathed heavily, sweat trickling down his forehead. He looked around and saw Nisha standing there, her eyes still wide in shock.

Shivraj: Nisha, are you okay? he asked, his voice laced with concern.

Nisha nodded, still too stunned to speak. Shivraj looked at her, relieved that she was unharmed. He turned to his men,

Shivraj: Take these attackers to my den. I will give them the punishment they deserve for attacking the crown prince.

His men quickly took the attackers away while Shivraj turned to Nisha again.

Shivraj: Thank you, Nisha he said, his eyes filled with gratitude.

Nisha: managed a weak smile I'm just glad you're okay 

Shivraj: looked at her intently You're very brave, Nisha he said, admiration in his voice You risked your life to save mine.

Nisha: blushed, feeling a warmth spread through her I had to do it she replied, feeling grateful that she had acted on her instinct.

After the attack was thwarted, Shivraj's mother, Patralekha, approached him with a look of admiration in her eyes. 

Patralekha: Well done, beta. You handled the situation brilliantly she said, patting his back.

Shivraj turned to look at Nisha, who was standing a little away from them, trying to catch her breath. He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe towards her. She had saved his life, and he owed her a debt of gratitude.

Patralekha: followed his gaze and noticed Nisha standing there. She walked towards her and said Thank you, beta. You saved my son's life. I'm indebted to you.

Nisha: bowed her head in respect and replied I did what I had to do, Rani Sa. I'm glad I could help.

As Shivraj watched the exchange between his mother and Nisha, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration towards her. He had never met a woman like her before. She was brave, determined, and had a heart of gold.

Patralekha noticed the look on her son's face and made a mental note to talk to him about Nisha. She had always wanted a daughter-in-law who was strong-willed and could handle the responsibilities of being a rani sa. She felt that Nisha could be the perfect match for her son.

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