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IMAGINE . . . .

It was your birthday, but sadly you weren't with the cast. You were shooting a movie elsewhere and since none of them could be there on your day, finn took the liberty to film a birthday video for you with the cast.


Everyone was at dinner because shooting had just ended for the day and as dinner progressed, Finn looked amongst everyone.

He grabbed his phone from his pocket as he did, "Want to send y/n a birthday message?"

Everyone erupted at the table, "Yes!"

Finn pull up the camera on his phone then went to video. He rose the phone up before pressing record.

He began, "Hey, y/n! The cast is here wishing you a happy birthday and we hope your movie is going well!"

"We miss you!" Millie blew a kiss into the camera.

"Me more. Check your phone in a few hours, babe!" Sadie winked.

Everyone else went around the table giving their best and birthday wishes. Then eventually the phone was back in Finn's hands. He went to his messages and pressed your name. The attachment was added and soon the video was sent.

As soon as you got it and watched it, you sent a mass text to the group chat saying your thanks and how much you missed them. However with Sadie, you sent her a more private and personal message.

KITCHEN SINK, 𝙨𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙜𝙞𝙛 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now