Stuck Together

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(y/n) healed the two vampires as best as he could. Missi wears an eyepatch, and Duke's clothes for his right hand don't have anything for thumbs. Duke and Missi stay together but keep fighting and trying to kill each other. They also made (y/n) not do cleaning or fix certain areas in the castle, even if it's broken or messy. (y/n) was getting pissed with this nonsense. Then came another night of this.

Missi: You're a slob; it's such a bore
Your underwear strewn on the floor

Duke: And you're a packrat, most extreme.
Our house is full of magazines.

Missi: The toilet's broke, and yet I bet
His Majesty ain't fixed it yet

Duke: You're one to talk, sleepyhead.
And get your fat ass out of bed.

They both tried to go through the door.

Both: Oh, but in the eyes of God
We said our vows before the pews
"Not until death may we part."

Duke: So, until then, I'm stuck with you.

Duke pushes Missi, and she responds by hitting him and going through the door first. (y/n) saw the two go in different directions.

Missi: You swore that you'd be true to me
But gave me infidelity

Missi smashes a picture.

Duke: Why should I give a tinker's cuss?
She was your sister; what's the fuss?

He closed the curtain with the girl outside.

Missi: Well then, let's propose a truce.
What's good for gander is good for goose.

Duke: Hey, now that's different; you took to bed
My favorite dog and all my friends

Same thing but with his old buddies from the land of the dead.

Both: Oh, but in the eyes of God
We said our vows before the pews
"Not until death may we part."
So until then, I'm stuck with you.
Oh, but in the eyes of God
We said our vows before the pews
"Not until death may we part."

Missi looks at the cane.

Missi: This is my curse; I said, "I do."
Better or worse, I'm stuck with you.

(y/n) saw the two going to different doors. They looked at each other in some sadness before going through the doors. (y/n) felt like something is going on. He wants them to get along, at least.

Missi: You poked my eye; I wear a patch
I should've given you one to match

Duke: Did you forget, you forgot me back?
You chopped my thumb off with an axe.

Missi: You drowned my kittens one by one
You looked like you were having fun

Duke: You stabbed my mother in the chest
With a Korean bayonet

He stabs the knife into the table.

Both: Oh, but in the eyes of God
We said our vows before the pews
"Not until death may we part."

Duke: This is my curse; I said, "I do."
Lest you die, first, I'm stuck with you.

Then Duke throws the knife at Missi. They get into a fight again. (y/n) followed. Duke thought he got Missi, but it was her boots. Missi smashes a bottle on him before fighting against the wall. Duke tripped Missi and smashed a chair on her. Missi gets a flamethrower and chases Duke. They were having at it while (y/n) was watching.

(y/n) in mind: oh, not again. If this keeps happening, I might have to quit this job.

Then it goes to when Duke and Missi were going to sleep.

Missi: And now I lie here in the grave
I pray to God my soul to save
And in the darkness of the tomb
I'm glad I'm lying next to you

Duke: And as I lay here 6 feet down
My body buried underground.
In this dank and dreary cold
I'm just glad I'm not alone.

Both: Oh, but in the eyes of God
We said our vows before the pews
"Not until death may we part."
So until then, I'm stuck with you
Oh, but in the eyes of God
We said our vows before the pews
"Not until death may we part."

They started to hold hands with smiles

Missi then Both: I'm not sad; I said, "I do."
I'm just glad I was stuck with you.

They put each other's heads on their shoulders. (y/n) saw a peak and smiled while closing the door.

(y/n): about time. I think I did enough for one day.

He went to rest in his room, knowing things would get easier.

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