⋆。‧˚ʚPlease Leave me alone!ɞ˚‧。⋆

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(I didn't feel like drawing something sorry I will make up for my drawing of the day!)

Artemis's POV
You know what I think I will get coffee, to get my mind off of things ,and because I just like coffee, because it's coffee, duh.
As many other as myself were getting up to leave, I was still sitting down on phone, what I thought was a minute or two but plot twist! I was still there for 20 more minutes. I might want to leave before anyone sees me, I don't feel like answering why I was on my phone for like 25 minutes..
"Oh your decided to leave after 30 minutes?" A voice echoed from the back, which embarrassed me, because hear that voice made me fall back in my seat..
"Oh my god, did I scare you that bad.. oh sorry, I hope no hard feelings.... Cruella Deville boy" Annnd as that voice said the last part I cringed... remind me to to bleach, my hair and bleach, my ear, so I never have to hear that again.
I look behind me and guess who it is! Don't worry, I'll give you a hint! Black hair yellow kept watching me for 25 minutes! It's that new girl! God I don't know why people make that joke all the time! And I don't want to be rude or anything and I just laugh with them, and it's just sad because, it's so unoriginal.
"Oh umm it's fine, just me being clumsy!" I would of pat myself on the shoulder, because I actually responded, and I didn't stutter in that sentence! God I want coffee.

"But, I think now that your off your phone, I could make up for scarring you!" The bee teen said. "Oh! What no-o, you oh you don't have to!" Please just please, leave me alone, I don't want to hang out with you. I don't even know your name!

"And I was just about to go.. My.. umm roommate go sick?" I said almost like a question. She looked at me for a moment like she didn't believe me, which was true buuut, she laughed and said, "I get it but don't come back to school sick, Tsuchigomori, who in the hell is that.. I mean I was acting a bit mad at her being unoriginal, so I guess it's fine..

We both said our goodbyes, and I watched as she picked up her yellow bag, wow girl great your staying on theme! Now.. I feel like going back to the dorm and sleeping.. surprisingly. But! I made a promise to myself to go get coffee, and maybe I will feel less tired..

I look down at the time, and  with it being 12:59 I think I am on time for some coffee!

(How many times will he say coffee ☕️ ugh I hate drawing food/drinks..)

Now where in the hell am I post to go? Maybe Starbucks, or just a some random one, like trying something new! But oh what the heck I know myself, I know that I would go to Starbucks! because I don't try anything new.

Well I have to change out of uniform, know where I am going, and hope and pray that, that bee girl is not at the coffee shop asking why I was getting coffee and not with my roommate and try to talk to me and hate all in the end. I mean... hope that everything goes good!

To the dorms! Oh and I almost forgot, if any of my dormates ask again about where I was I will say I got back very very late at night. I mean, it's not nice they don't that, they lovvvvee give me a heart-attack! I make these jokes and ask why I don't have friends..

Focus! I need to change so I can go get coffee! And now the hard part what to wear... Now I leave!

Ahh yes Artemis you stayed for ten more minutes talking to yourself! Good job.. I forgot what I was doing sitting down, I think it was to text Rikku or to find the coffee shop.. God I hat myself right now..

(I do everyday so your not special! I'm sorry I had to.. )

Whatever I need leave like now. I put my phone in my pocket hope it won't fall out, and reach for my black bag, and pulling myself out of the school chair. The easy part, it is after school soo not as many people, I hope..


Yeah I left for a bit! Yeah, I don't think I have a schedule or will ever make one 😭 if I do make a schedule, I think it would be no use because I don't even follow the ones I even have now lol I was going to make it longer. I can do that the next one!

On a better note! My play is comedy up soon and I am crying inside but I am a
bit nervous and happy! I had to write about something in school about mushrooms and I can't stop talking about mushrooms I just find mushrooms interesting! very off-topic, but I find it cool and when I told my brother this, he told me to shut up 💀 I told him I was hungry. He said go eat mushrooms.

But have a good day/night byyee 🫶🏽🌷

906 words

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