Chapter 17: New Connection

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Robert's stress levels were at an all-time high. The lawsuits were still pending, and he was still arguing with Nia. He found solace in work, but he also knew he needed to take a break from it all.

One day, Jonathan called him up and told him he had someone he wanted him to meet. "She's bright, beautiful, and ambitious, just like you," Jonathan said.

Robert was skeptical at first, but he decided to give it a try. He agreed to meet her, and they went on a date. Her name was Christina, and she was an aspiring fashion designer.

They had a great time, and Robert felt like he could breathe for the first time in weeks. However, his ex-fling Joanne saw them on their date and got angry. She called Robert's mother Joanna and told her everything.

Joanna was opposed to the new connection. She wanted Joanne and Robert to get back together. Joanne came from a well-known family, and it would be great if their families were aligned together. The only problem was Nia. She was a threat, and the woman Robert truly loved.

Meanwhile, Nia was still trying to reach out to Robert, but he was ignoring her. One day, she confronted him at his office. "Why are you doing this, Robert?" she asked.

Robert was cold and distant. "I don't want anything to do with you, Nia. You kept that secret from me. How can I trust you?"

Nia felt rejected once again. It was just like how he had rejected and dumped her after they had sex. She left his office in tears, feeling hurt and alone.

Alex tried to encourage her and told her to keep her hopes up. "Robert needs space, but he will come around and forgive you," Alex said.

But Nia wasn't so sure anymore. She felt like she had lost Robert forever.

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