Chapter 37- Trouble brewing (Part One)

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Robert was conflicted about Nia's pregnancy. He wanted to be there for her and their child, but he also understood why she was hesitant to let him back in. He didn't know how to make things right, and he was running out of time. Alex, his best friend, noticed Robert's frustration and decided to intervene.

"Robert, you need to fight for her. You can't just sit back and let her slip away," Alex said, his voice firm.

"I know, but how? She's scared of me. I don't blame her, but I don't know how to make it right," Robert replied, his voice full of despair.

"Start by showing her that you care. Show her that you're not going to leave her again. Be there for her, no matter what," Alex said, placing a comforting hand on Robert's shoulder.

Meanwhile, Joanna had hired men to kidnap Nia. She was desperate to get rid of the baby, and she knew that Nia would never give it up willingly. Nia had been out for a walk when the men grabbed her and threw her into the back of a van.

The next day, the lawsuits against Nia were dropped, and Robert and Nia celebrated with a kiss. They talked about their future and their baby, and for a moment, everything felt right. But their joy was short-lived.

Nia had been missing for hours, and Robert was getting frantic. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, and he couldn't shake it. He called the police and reported Nia missing. He also called Joanne, hoping that she might have some information.

"I'm sorry, Robert. I don't know anything. But I'll do whatever I can to help," Joanne said, her voice full of regret.

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