Chapter 39- Held at Gunpoint

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Cameron's grip tightened on the gun as he pointed it at Robert, a manic glint in his eyes. "You ruined everything, Robert. Everything!" he spat out, his voice shaking with anger.

Robert slowly raised his hands, his heart pounding in his chest. "Cameron, calm down. Let's talk about this."

"Talk? You think talking will fix everything?" Cameron sneered. "You stole Nia from me, and now you're going to pay for it."

Robert's eyes widened in shock. "What are you talking about? Nia and I have never been together. We're just friends."

Cameron let out a derisive laugh. "Friends? You expect me to believe that? You've always wanted her, and now you're using her pregnancy to get close to her."

Robert shook his head, trying to reason with Cameron. "That's not true. I care about Nia, and I want to be there for her and our child. But I'm not trying to steal her from you."

Cameron's face twisted with rage. "You're lying! You've always been a liar and a cheat. And now, you're going to pay for what you've done."

He cocked the gun, the sound echoing through the room. "Now, you're going to die. And then, Nia will be mine."

Robert's mind raced as he tried to find a way out of this situation. He knew he had to keep Cameron talking, to distract him long enough to disarm him.

"What about Christina?" he asked, hoping to strike a nerve. "What happened to her?"

Cameron's eyes flickered with anger. "What does Christina have to do with anything?"

"You loved her once, didn't you?" Robert pressed on, edging closer to Cameron. "But you hurt her, didn't you? You beat her up and she left you. That's why you're so angry, isn't it? Because you can't control anyone anymore."

Cameron's face contorted with fury as he lunged at Robert. The two men grappled, struggling for control of the gun.

As they fought, Robert's mind raced with images of Nia, alone and frightened. He had to get to her, had to save her from Cameron's madness.

Finally, with a burst of strength, Robert managed to disarm Cameron and pin him to the ground. He quickly called the police and reported the kidnapping, before rushing off to save Nia.

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