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"Mind your tongue," he groaned, grabbing my elbow tightly. His furious orbs were determined to burn me alive, his nails leaving bruises on sensitive skin. "Don't forget what I am capable of?" He inched closer to my face.

I glared at him. "I know you're capable of killing people. Having no mercy on innocent people. I have no doubt of your capabilities." I stared straight into his furious orbs.

He raised his orbs, pulling me closer to his chest, his orbs dancing in amusement. His fingertip caressed my cheek for a minute. "I love the way you challenge me. Never had anyone acted so stubborn before me." He smirked, his breath fanning my cheek as he pressed a kiss near my earlobe. "You have no idea how much you turn me on with your fierce attitude."

His face moved towards my neck as I closed my eyes in unbearable pleasure. I wanted to push him away but my brain had stopped working, his intimacy had that effect on me. "Hmm... I am getting addicted to the way you smell..." he voiced out in a husky manner making my inside wet.

My hands unknowingly grabbed his shoulder for support as my knees were growing weak. My eyes opened for a mini-second when I got a glimpse of a familiar figure. Those brown orbs stared at me with disgust. I jerked Mr. Oberoi away; I felt the hint of betrayal radiating from those orbs.

I could feel Mr. Oberoi's annoyed gaze but my attention was grabbed by the individual who had caught us in un appropriate position. "Mayur..." It seemed like he disappeared in thin air. Was I imagining him? No! He was there, he glared at me and then rush away as our orbs met. 

"Mayur..." I scanned around the hallway. I couldn't be imagining. He was there! He absolutely was!

"Who the hell... is this Mayur?" Mr. Oberoi's orbs were blazing fire as his orbs stared in the direction I was glancing at.

"Please... leave me..." I pleaded to him. My eyes requested him to let me go, I needed to check myself that my brain wasn't playing a trick.

"You're not going anywhere," his grip got tighter as he dragged me in the opposite direction.

"No..." I kept opposing, struggling to get out of his grip. To rush in the opposite direction. I needed to clarify to Mayur. I needed to let him know that I wasn't betraying him. I shared no feelings for Mr. Oberoi. I was still his! I still had feelings for him when suddenly realization flashed in my brain that he was never mine. He had left me.

I stopped struggling under Mr. Oberoi's grip as tears of helplessness started descending from my cheek. I had forgotten for a minute that Mayur was my past. He had left me behind on his chase after his dream, he thought that I was a hurdle between his passion. His goal! How could I be? I had given up on my entire life for him. I left my passion, and my dream for him and he believed that I was stopping him from achieving his goal.

"Mumma..." a melodious voice grabbed my attention from the past that still broke me into pieces. I was glad that I didn't give to my weakness, I was glad that Mr. Oberoi didn't allow me to rush after him because for a minute I had forgotten how he treated me. How Mayur hadn't realized my worth in his life!

"Mumma..." she was standing a few distances away from the car waiting for us. I kneeled before her. I needed to wrap my arms around the soul so I could forget the pain hurting my body. She was turning into a source of peace.

"How are you, Mumma?" her orbs were staring at me with concern and I smiled at the love she was offering me. She touched the cloth wrapped around my forehead, "does it still hurt? Will I have to stay away from you for more hours?" She sounded displeased with her own conclusion. "That's why you're crying?" She wiped those tears off with her small fingers. "Don't worry, Mumma... Nanny says that pain doesn't hurt for long eventually we get used to its existence." Those deep words made my eyes widen in horror. I hadn't anticipated that such a small soul would mutter those big life lessons but her innocent orbs indicated she was unknown of the fact of what she had uttered.

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