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[(A/N): guys this is literally my first time writing a story on a media this was from my English homework 😭💀]

-3rd POV-

"Come on, Axe!! You're slowing us down right now." groaned Matt as he dramatically flopped down on the sofa in their living room. Axton rolled his eyes and said "Calm down dude, it's not even 2pm yet.." as he finished packing his backpack with extra batteries, the doorbell to their house rang, signalling that their friends have arrived at their house. "HEYYYY!! What's up guys? Y'all ready for the trip now?" Asked Danny, one of their friends. Kimmy scoffed and mumbled under his breath, "muhfucker do they LOOK like they're not ready??"... Yeah, he wasn't in the mood for his friend's shit right now. Khai sighed "Guys the more you argue, the later we'll be. C'mon let's go, we don't wanna keep Zee waiting in the car too long." Axton chuckled before grabbing his house keys and dragging Matt with him, with the others following. He locked the door to their house and hopped in the car, in the backseat with Matt. Everyone else got in the car, Khai driving;because he was the oldest and was the only one with a legal license to drive; Kim calling shotgun first, sitting next to Khai. Danny sat next to Zee, in the middle row of the seats, already chatting away about what they will do during the trip.

Axton had already plugged in his earphones and fell asleep listening to Lamp(I ♥️ Lamp). As Khai drove the car, Kim put on a roadtrip playlist he made on his Spotify account. Matt kept nodding his head to the beats of the music Kim put on and hummed some of the lyrics too. As Khai pulled up to a dark and mysterious forest, he exclaimed to the group, "We're here! Everyone grab your stuff, let's go!" Zee took a glance at the forest and questioned Khai, "Khai, is this actually the forest?? This looks... Ominous.." Khai laughed Zee's worries off, "No worries, dude! This is totally the place. My GPS said so!" Zee frowns for a bit before shrugging it off, "Okay, whatever you say, man.."

Nobody Knew Where They Were.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat