Chapter 5 (last part)

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Axton, Kim, and Zee heard Danny scream, and so they all ran back to see what happened, concerned for their friend. When they arrived, they then saw why Danny screamed. There were different kinds of reactions, one was staring at Khai's corpse, horrified. Another one fell to their knees, staring at the scene before them. The last one was gagging and wheezing from the sight and the strong smell of metal. "O-Oh my- God. Oh my god. I thi- I think I'm gonna be sick!-" Gagged Axton before throwing up beside a tree, his right hand on the tree for support as he hacked and coughed up whatever he ate on the ground. "Danny.. Wh-What.. Happened...?" Asked Kim. Zee was too horrified to speak as they kept staring at the corpse. Danny kept stuttering and mumbling utter nonsense, traumatized from what he had seen. After Axton was done throwing up, he tried to collect himself, and walked away, muttering about preparing a grave for their dear friend. Danny immediately sprung up, ignoring his headache, and walked quickly towards Axton, whispering about wanting to help, when in reality, he just wanted to be away from the bloody scene.

Axton dug a hole in the ground, unfortunately using the bloody shovel that was used on Khai. He can feel goosebumps crawling up his back for using it. They all carried Khai's body to the hole and shoveled the dirt into his grave to cover him up. They gave Khai and his grave a final goodbye, and left flowers they found somewhere. They had all given up trying to search for Matt, as they thought he had died somewhere too, and making a small grave for him too, beside Khai's. They continued to search for a way out, ignoring the fact that they knew that their times were almost up. After all.. Nobody knew where they were.

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