Chapter 4

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During the time they were searching for Matt, Khai had woken up, but was still out of it. He tried to get up, but felt a hot searing pain shoot up his entire left arm, Khai flinched and immediately winced as he grabbed his shoulder out of instinct. Danny, who was sitting beside Khai noticed, and quickly but gently laid Khai back down. "Careful there." Whispered Danny, "Don't wanna ruin the makeshift bandage i made for you. The others are trying to search for Matt, since he went missing suddenly. Just lay down and close your eyes, the others will be back soon." Khai couldn't reply, as he just nodded off to sleep. Suddenly he heard something fall on the ground, he opened his eyes and saw Danny on the grass, passed out. "Da-Danny?!" rasped Khai, trying to spot the source of why his friend was passed out on the ground. It wasn't long before he locked eyes with someone, that someone being a certain someone who went "missing" hours ago. "Matt..?!"

Before Khai could do anything, Matt quickly panicked and hit Khai's head with a rusty shovel he found lying around somewhere, accidentally hitting too hard, cracking his head open, ultimately killing him. "Oh shit... Oh fuck. Holy shit. Holy shit. I-I didn't mean to kill you. Oh fuck, dude.." Matt whispered. Before he could do anything, he heard Danny groan in pain and decided to flee the scene, leaving the shovel caked in Khai's blood and brain matter on it. After an hour or so, Danny woke up with a splitting(lmao get it? splitting? Khai's head- okay I'll leave) headache, before smelling something metallic. It had a strong smell that made him gag. He turned to the source of the smell and was met with an ungodly sight. Khai's head split open, with worms already starting to feast on his meat. He screamed as loud as he could. After what felt like hours, which were only minutes, Danny couldn't take it anymore and turned away and vomited up what used to be his breakfast. He heaved and wheezed, before clumsily getting up and sitting as far away as he could from Khai's fresh corpse.

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