Chapter One

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I don't know how many times I have to tell Rosie to stop walking around in them skintight fucking shorts, it's like on purpose every time a church meeting is held in my home, or the guys come over for beers, she's always showing her fucking ass. What am I not supposed to get fucking angry? Fucks am I being a dick for wanting her to cover up or am i totally fucking justified?

"Will you stop glaring at me?" Rosie stated. 

"Then fucking cover up! Your fucking grown have some fucking respect for yourself already."

"Dude what the fuck? You don't have a problem with me walking around like this every night, why throw a fit every time your friends are over?"

"Because when it's me that's fine, but when you have horny fucking bikers over that's different."

"Seriously? You act like a don't know those guys. I know how they are Ink you don't have to be a dick about it, and I know how to handle myself around them so give me some fucking credit."

"Of course, you know them half of them you had your tongue in their fucking throats."

The room fell silent, and Poison choked on his beer and even Reaper seemed to glare at me but even still I didn't care, raising the beer I drank from it and saw her get quiet but what I wasn't expecting was for her to grab the beer from the counter and throw it at my face, I dodged it but had the beer splatter all over me and half on the table.

"What the fuck Rosie?"

"Fuck you Ink." she yelled and left the room. 

Poison laughed and nudged Reaper who was shaking his head the entire time, he was whispering with Poison and nodded his head as he sat back his eyes landing on mine. "Why don't you just fucking go for it if you like her so much?"

"I don't like her, she just a friend."

"And I'm the fucking tooth fairy." Poison smirked as he leaned forward his eyes on me. "You sure you just friends?"

"Fuck off poison."

"We still dealing with any damage from last month?" Reaper asked. 

Last month, the month we traveled to China for Poisons daughter Julianna who was kidnapped by her father Ivan and by the daughter of the triad, thanks to the connections bear had the damage wasn't bad. We did however have to eventually go back to China with both Emily and Bear, they invited us for taking out the thorn in the old man's side, his daughter though last I heard was not so lucky something about punishment but hell it wasn't any of my business'. 

"Bear told me that the old man wants us over for dinner for taking out the garbage but since China is a place we don't know, Bear convinced him to come here." he said smirking. 

"Really? No shit?" Reaper said. "Then I guess that settles it, we have money stored from a few of the jobs bear has paid us, we are bikers, so we won't downplay how we do things but I'm not wanting them at Twisters any ideas?"

The room was silent, what the fuck did a bunch of tattooed, beer drinking assholes know about wining and dining the fucking triad it was just a stupid question to fucking ask, and I am sure Reaper was regretting asking a bunch of us assholes who were only looking at their beer or the cards we were holding. 

"Splashes Restaurant." Rosie yelled from the back room. 

Splashes Restaurant, I knew the place it was a pretty penny, but it was on the beach front, had an amazing view of the ocean, the food was good, and we all knew the owner. It was the one place we took our old ladies when we wanted to wine and dine them without our ordinary get up, sure you had to look square but not with our pal Buzz he did not mind as long as we didn't make the establishment into our own personal playground. 

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