Funny ways to say: I love you

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Harry felt like a terrible corpse, the battle of Hogwarts was 2 weeks ago, everyone from the Weasley family was at dinner tonight, but most people had already gone home. Teddy and Andromeda were also at today's dinner Teddy didn't want to stop crying, it was a disaster. This was further aggravated by the absence of Fred, who was constantly there with every breath they took. He was there when he slept, in the morning, in every glass of alcohol, he was there everywhere. Harry still had a pang of conscience over Fred's death even. Though Fred didn't die because of him, he still felt he is the reason. Ron and Hermione went out for a walk to discuss when and how they wanted to go to Australia for the girl's parents. So Harry took a quick shower and put on his pajama bottoms and an old hoodie. He was about to knock on Ginny's door to wish her good night, when Ginny spoke softly:
-"Harry!" she whispered.

Harry smiled at her, Ginny looked cute in her short pajama shorts and little white tank top, although she always looked cute to Harry even when she was about to commit mass murder.

-"Come in!"

Harry walked into the familiar tiny room and imagined 6 year old Ginny Weasley. The girl grew up in this room and it was very visible in the room, There were Quidditch posters on the walls, Quidditch equipment on the bed. The whole room was so Ginny.
-"Are you feeling well?" the boy asked softly.
-"I'm better now," she smiled.
Ginny was so strong at the loss of Fred, but she was always strong. Ginny means the world to Harry.
- "Are you Harry?" "Are you, feeling all right..?"
¬"This room is so you, I've been here before but I didn't have the chance to tell you, and I'm much better, Thanks"- answers the boy
Although Harry still sometimes had visions of Voldemort, he was much calmer knowing that Ginny was sleeping a few rooms away and was safe.
- "And what am I like?" - the girl giggled with a sly grin on her face. - Terrible? Irritating? Commander?
- "Maybe.." - the boy teased
But at that Ginny quickly grabbed a pillow and slammed it against Harry's face, the boy laughed. Ginny said with feigned anger:
-„If you feel that way about me, Potter, you have no place in my room!"- and cheekily threw another pillow at the boy.
-„Don't.. Please, I'll tell you my real opinion, just don't hurt me."
-"I'm listening Potter!" she laughed.
Harry was still smiling, but his eyes were honestly burning as if he wanted to say something very important. -"I think of you, Weasley, as a strong, independent girl who is a fantastic Quidditch player, and I'm grateful for every moment I got to spend with you because I love you so much."
Ginny smiled softly and said.-" Maybe you can stay in my room after all, Potter."- Then she pulled the boy close and spoke before kissing him.
- "I love you too, Harry."
And Harry's bad mood evaporated instantly. How could he feel bad about spending time with Ginny Weasey?

thank you for reading!! It means a lot to me. this story wouldn't exist without AuthorJoharraHarper . Thank you again

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