About the book..

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Rose Allen. An 18 year old girl who was sent by her mother to live with her Aunty, Molly. Molly also had a little boy, Jasper who was only a few months old when Rose had moved in, she was 8 then. Her aunt was who worked hard and brought home the bacon. They were a happy little family, you could say.

It was almost an everyday routine for Rose to go for a midday stroll in the nearby woods. Ten years were enough for her to know her ways in the woods like the back of her hand. But when one night she goes there for a walk she sees what she believed was only a figment of people's imagination... the wisps. But fortunately she was not alone.

The legend of the wisps was foretold by some 'lucky' travelers, 'those who managed to make it out alive' people said. The wisps were said to lead a traveler away from their path and direct them towards danger but also sometimes to their fate.

Everyone has a big bad secret and so does Rose. How will she find out about it? How will she react? Will she find the truth of why her mother had sent her away? Or will she will she be lured towards the evil temptations of her newly discovered secret? Find out in my new book: In The Woods.

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