Chapter Four: Preparations.

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When I entered the house Jasper told me that Aunt Molly was waiting for me in her room. After that he skipped upstairs leaving me alone to ponder about what Molls wanted to talk to me. What if she found out about me going into the forest the previous night? Uh, I really was not in the mood for her extremely dragged and boring lectures. I also don't recall leaving my room messy either or having unfinished chores, so I wonder what it is about. Or maybe she just wanted to have some Aunt-Niece bonding time.

My feet moved forward until I was standing in front of her closed door. I knocked twice with my index finger but as I raised my hand for the third knock the door swung open revealing Molls. She smiled and stepped aside giving me space to enter the room.

I went inside and plopped on her soft and comfy bed and expectantly looked up at her. She came and sat down on the one-sitter sofa opposite to where I was sat.

She started "Fox is back, I see." staring at the wall behind me. "Yeah. He said that her grandma is much better now so he came back." I explained.

"He told me about the Royal Ball as well. Are you going?" The corners of my lips turned up when she mentioned the Ball as my mind replayed what had happened only a few minutes ago.

"Well?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Yup. I am." I said looking into her chocolate brown eyes.

"Fox is going with... I forgot her name again uh-" "Charlotte." I reminded her. "Right. If Fox is going with Charlotte who are you going with?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I sang. "Try me." She challenged, curiosity filling her brown orbs.

"It's Prince Chase." I said with a slight smirk on my face, cause it's not every day that a prince asks you out to a ball. The moment those words left my mouth her eyes widened like mine had when Chase asked me to the Ball and mouth opened. "Told ya."

"Seriously?" She asked after she had regained her composure. "Yep, seriously."

She gave a little laugh and said, "I wouldn't even ask how you managed to do that, even the Prince couldn't resist your charms." she wiggled her eyebrows in a teasing manner as she said that. "Then I guess I better find you a decent dress to wear for the special evening on Friday." After saying that she stood up and walked towards her cupboard. I got up on my feet too.

She opened both its wooden doors and stepped a little closer to it before extending her left arm to open a drawer on the top left. She stood on her tiptoes and with both hands pulled out a folded blue fabric from it.

She unfolded it and held it with the tip of her fingers from the top while I stared at it in awe. It was a dress and to say that it was beautiful was an understatement. It was of a baby blue color with a top cut low. The bodice was layered with a sparkly white netted fabric, looking like snowflakes. Directly beneath it was a glittered band with a slightly darker shade of blue that would rest on my waist. I reached out and touched the fabric that cascaded below the stripe, it felt as soft and smooth under my fingertips as it had looked. There were cream colored roses with branches and leaves that crowded on the waistline though spread as they descended down the skirt. I looked at the dress from its top to the bottom again until my aunt broke the silence.

"It was your mine when I was your age, you know?" she said as I removed my eyes from it and looked at her. I gave her an understanding nod. It was then that I noticed that she held a black velvet layered round box in her right hand.

"What's that?" I asked as curiosity took over me, pointing at the tiny box secured in her small hand. "This is something your grandmother left for you before the sickness took over her." Her face fell down a bit at the mention of her mother. A distant look had replaced the usual warm look in her eyes. Sighing she sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the space next to her. I inched closer to the bed and sat down next to her.

In The WoodsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon